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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing M, 2O, P, 2S, T and Y

GYMNOSOPHISTgymnosophist n. One of a school of ancient Indian ascetic philosophers, reported in antiquity, who wore little clothing; a mystic.
GYMNOSOPHIST n. one of a sect of naked ascetics of ancient India, also GYMNOSOPH.
HOLOPHYTISMSHOLOPHYTISM n. the property of being holophytic, obtaining food by photosynthesis.
MONOPHYSITESmonophysites n. Plural of monophysite.
Monophysites n. Plural of Monophysite.
MONOPHYSITE n. one believing that Christ had but a single divine nature.
MYTHOPOEISMSMYTHOPOEISM n. the making of myths.
MYTHOPOEISTSmythopoeists n. Plural of mythopoeist.
mythopœists n. Plural of mythopœist.
MYTHOPOEIST n. a mythmaker.
PHOTOSYSTEMSphotosystems n. Plural of photosystem.
PHOTOSYSTEM n. either of two photochemical reaction centers consisting chiefly of photosynthetic pigments complexed with protein and occurring in chloroplasts.
PHYSOSTOMOUSphysostomous adj. (Zoology) Having a duct to the air bladder.
physostomous adj. (Zoology) Relating to the Physostomi.
PHYSOSTOMOUS adj. of fishes, having a duct connecting the air bladder to part of the alimentary canal.
PHYTOTOMISTSphytotomists n. Plural of phytotomist.
PHYTOTOMIST n. a student of phytotomy.
POLYAMORISTSpolyamorists n. Plural of polyamorist.
POLYCROTISMSPOLYCROTISM n. the state of having several beats to each heartbeat.
POLYGLOTISMSpolyglotisms n. Plural of polyglotism.
POLYGLOTISM n. the use of many languages.
POLYMYOSITISpolymyositis n. (Medicine) An inflammatory disease affecting multiple muscles.
POLYMYOSITIS n. inflammation of several muscles at the same time.
POSTHUMOUSLYposthumously adv. After death.
post-humously adv. Alternative spelling of posthumously.
POSTHUMOUS adv. taking place after death.
SYNAPTOSOMALsynaptosomal adj. Of or pertaining to a synaptosome.
SYNAPTOSOMAL adj. of or like a synaptosome, a nerve ending that is isolated from homogenized nerve tissue.
SYNAPTOSOMESsynaptosomes n. Plural of synaptosome.
SYNAPTOSOME n. a nerve ending that is isolated from homogenized nerve tissue.
TROPOMYOSINStropomyosins n. Plural of tropomyosin.
TROPOMYOSIN n. a filamentous protein which controls the interaction of actin and myosin in muscle fibres.
TRYPANOSOMEStrypanosomes n. Plural of trypanosome.
TRYPANOSOME n. a parasite causing sleeping sickness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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