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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing M, N, P, R, 2S, T and U

ANTHROPOPHUISMSANTHROPOPHUISM n. the ascription of human nature to God or to the gods.
CIRCUMPOSITIONScircumpositions n. Plural of circumposition.
CIRCUMPOSITION n. the act of placing round.
CIRCUMSPECTIONScircumspections n. Plural of circumspection.
CIRCUMSPECTION n. the state of being circumspect.
CIRCUMSPECTNESScircumspectness n. The state or quality of being circumspect.
CIRCUMSPECTNESS n. the state of being circumspect.
DRAUGHTSMANSHIPdraughtsmanship n. UK standard spelling of draftsmanship.
DRAUGHTSMANSHIP n. the craft of draughtsman.
IMPORTUNATENESSimportunateness n. Quality of being importunate.
IMPORTUNATE n. stubbornly or unreasonably persistent.
MICROPULSATIONSmicropulsations n. Plural of micropulsation.
MICROPULSATION n. a pulsation having a short period.
MULTIPROCESSINGmultiprocessing n. Computation using more than one processor.
MULTIPROCESSING n. the processing of several computer programs at the same time esp. by a computer system with two or more processors sharing a single memory.
OUTDOORSMANSHIPoutdoorsmanship n. Skill in, or fondness for, outdoor pursuits or sports.
OUTDOORSMANSHIP n. the craft of the outdoorsman.
PREMATURENESSESPREMATURENESS n. the state of being premature.
PRESUMPTIVENESSpresumptiveness n. The condition of being presumptive.
PRESUMPTIVENESS n. the state of being presumptive.
PROSENCHYMATOUSprosenchymatous adj. Relating to the prosenchyma.
PROSENCHYMATOUS adj. relating to prosenchyma, supporting plant tissue containing little protoplasm.
SCRUMPTIOUSNESSscrumptiousness n. The state or condition of being scrumptious.
SCRUMPTIOUSNESS n. the state of being scrumptious.
SUPERCOMPUTINGSSUPERCOMPUTING n. computing using a supercomputer, a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
SUPERHUMANITIESsuperhumanities n. Plural of superhumanity.
SUPERHUMANITY n. the state of being superhuman.
SUPERIMPOSITIONsuperimposition n. The process, or the result of superimposing.
superimposition n. The placing of one image on top of another, especially placing a photograph over some other graphic.
superimposition n. (Philosophy) The building of ontological categories of a higher level on top of categories of a lower level.
SUPERNATURALISMsupernaturalism n. The quality or condition of being supernatural.
supernaturalism n. A belief in the doctrine of supernatural or divine agency as manifested in the world, in human events…
SUPERNATURALISM n. the state of being supernatural.
SUPPLEMENTARIESsupplementaries n. Plural of supplementary.
SUPPLEMENTARY n. a supplement.
UNSPORTSMANLIKEunsportsmanlike adj. Violating the accepted standards of sportsmanship.
UNSPORTSMANLIKE adj. not characteristic of or exhibiting good sportsmanship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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