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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing M, 2N, O, S, 2T and U

ANTICOMMUNISTSanticommunists n. Plural of anticommunist.
anti-communists n. Plural of anti-communist.
ANTICOMMUNIST n. one opposed to communism.
ARGUMENTATIONSargumentations n. Plural of argumentation.
ARGUMENTATION n. the process of forming reasons and of drawing conclusions and applying them to a case in discussion.
BITUMINISATIONbituminisation n. Alternative form of bituminization.
BITUMINISATION n. the process of bituminising, also BITUMINIZATION.
COUNTERMOTIONScountermotions n. Plural of countermotion.
COUNTERMOTION n. an opposite motion.
CUMMINGTONITEScummingtonites n. Plural of cummingtonite.
CUMMINGTONITE n. a mineral of the amphibole group, hydrated magnesium iron silicate.
DOCUMENTATIONSdocumentations n. (Very rare or non-native speakers’ English) plural of documentation.
DOCUMENTATION n. the act or an instance of furnishing or authenticating with documents.
INTUITIONALISMintuitionalism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that the perception or recognition of primary truth is intuitive, or direct and immediate.
INTUITIONALISM n. the doctrine that the perception of truth is by intuition; a philosophical system which stresses intuition and mysticism as opposed to the idea of a logical universe.
MACRONUTRIENTSmacronutrients n. Plural of macronutrient.
MACRONUTRIENT n. a chemical element (as nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium) of which relatively large quantities are essential to the growth and health of a plant.
MICRONUTRIENTSmicronutrients n. Plural of micronutrient.
MICRONUTRIENT n. a nutritive substance required in minute quantities by a living organism.
MISINSTRUCTIONmisinstruction n. Wrong or improper instruction.
MISINSTRUCTION n. a wrong instruction.
MISPUNCTUATIONmispunctuation n. Incorrect or missing punctuation.
MISPUNCTUATION n. a wrong punctuation.
MONOUNSATURATEmonounsaturate n. A monounsaturated oil, or fatty acid.
mono-unsaturate n. Alternative spelling of monounsaturate.
MONOUNSATURATE n. a monounsaturated compound.
MULTIFUNCTIONSmultifunctions n. Plural of multifunction.
MULTINATIONALSmultinationals n. Plural of multinational.
MULTINATIONAL n. a large business company which operates in several countries.
NEUROANATOMISTneuroanatomist n. An expert in neuroanatomy.
NEUROANATOMIST n. one who studies neuroanatomy.
TRANSMUTATIONStransmutations n. Plural of transmutation.
TRANSMUTATION n. an act of transmuting.
ULTRAMONTANISMultramontanism n. A Roman Catholic philosophy that emphasises the prerogatives and powers of the Pope.
ULTRAMONTANISM n. the act of supporting the supremacy of the Pope.
ULTRAMONTANISTultramontanist n. A supporter of ultramontanism.
ULTRAMONTANIST n. one who lives beyond the mountains.
UNDEMONSTRATEDundemonstrated adj. Not demonstrated.
UNDEMONSTRATED adj. not demonstrated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 112 words
  • Scrabble in French: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 19 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 23 words

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