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There are 14 words containing M, 3S, T, U and Y

SUBSYSTEMsubsystem n. Alternative spelling of sub-system.
sub-system n. A group of related components that are part of a larger system.
SUBSYSTEM n. part of a system.
SUBSYSTEMSsubsystems n. Plural of subsystem.
sub-systems n. Plural of sub-system.
SUBSYSTEM n. part of a system.
NYSTAGMUSESnystagmuses n. Plural of nystagmus.
NYSTAGMUS n. an involuntary lateral movement of the eyeballs.
SUPERSYSTEMsupersystem n. A system comprising several subsystems.
SUPERSYSTEM n. a system that is made up of systems.
MULTISYSTEMSSorry, definition not available.
MYSTAGOGUSESMYSTAGOGUS n. one who teaches mystical doctrines or one who initiates others into religious cults, also MYSTAGOG, MYSTAGOGUE.
PHYSOSTOMOUSphysostomous adj. (Zoology) Having a duct to the air bladder.
physostomous adj. (Zoology) Relating to the Physostomi.
PHYSOSTOMOUS adj. of fishes, having a duct connecting the air bladder to part of the alimentary canal.
SUPERSYSTEMSsupersystems n. Plural of supersystem.
SUPERSYSTEM n. a system that is made up of systems.
IMMUNOASSAYISTIMMUNOASSAYIST n. one who carries out immunoassays.
MYSTERIOUSNESSmysteriousness n. The quality of being mysterious.
MYSTERIOUSNESS n. the state of being mysterious.
PNEUMOCYSTISESPNEUMOCYSTIS n. any protozoan of the genus Pneumocystis, esp. P. carinii, which is a cause of pneumonia.
UNSYSTEMATISEDunsystematised adj. Alternative spelling of unsystematized.
UNSYSTEMATISED adj. not systematised, also UNSYSTEMATIZED.
IMMUNOASSAYISTSIMMUNOASSAYIST n. one who carries out immunoassays.
SUPERSYMMETRIESsupersymmetries n. Plural of supersymmetry.
SUPERSYMMETRY n. the correspondence between fermions and bosons of identical mass that is postulated to have existed during the opening moments of the big bang and that relates gravity to the other forces of nature.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 231 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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