SUPPLYMENT | • supplyment n. (Obsolete) The act of supplying. • SUPPLYMENT n. (Shakespeare) a supplying or furnishing. |
SUPPLYMENTS | • supplyments n. Plural of supplyment. • SUPPLYMENT n. (Shakespeare) a supplying or furnishing. |
PITYROSPORUM | • Pityrosporum prop.n. Former name of Malassezia (“fungus genus”). • PITYROSPORUM n. a yeastlike fungus which can cause pityriasis. |
PITYROSPORUMS | • PITYROSPORUM n. a yeastlike fungus which can cause pityriasis. |
PRESUMPTIVELY | • presumptively adv. In a presumptive manner. • presumptively adv. As is presumed to be the case. • PRESUMPTIVE adv. based on probability or presumption. |
SPATHIPHYLLUM | • spathiphyllum n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Spathiphyllum. • SPATHIPHYLLUM n. any tropical plant of the genus Spathiphyllum, having lance-shaped leaves and fleshy white spadices of flowers in white spathes. |
SUPPLEMENTARY | • supplementary adj. Additional; added to supply what is wanted. • supplementary n. Something additional; an extra. • SUPPLEMENTARY adj. added or serving as a supplement. |
CAMPYLOTROPOUS | • campylotropous adj. (Botany) Having the ovules and seeds so curved, or bent down upon themselves, that the ends of the embryo… • CAMPYLOTROPOUS adj. having the ovule partly inverted and curved. |
PRESUMPTUOUSLY | • presumptuously adv. In a presumptuous manner; arrogantly. • PRESUMPTUOUS adv. overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy). |
SPATHIPHYLLUMS | • spathiphyllums n. Plural of spathiphyllum. • SPATHIPHYLLUM n. any tropical plant of the genus Spathiphyllum, having lance-shaped leaves and fleshy white spadices of flowers in white spathes. |
SUPPLEMENTALLY | • supplementally adv. In a supplemental manner. • SUPPLEMENTAL adv. serving to supplement. |
CRYPTOSPORIDIUM | • cryptosporidium n. Any protozoan of the genus Cryptosporidium, intestinal parasites of humans and other vertebrates that… • Cryptosporidium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cryptosporidiidae – coccidian protozoan parasites causing the disease… • CRYPTOSPORIDIUM n. any of a genus of protozoans parasitic in the gut of vertebrates including humans and sometimes causing diarrhea. |
HYPOPITUITARISM | • hypopituitarism n. (Medicine) A decrease in secretion of one or more of the eight hormones normally produced by the pituitary gland. • HYPOPITUITARISM n. deficient production of growth hormones by the pituitary gland. |
SUPPLEMENTARILY | • supplementarily adv. In a supplementary way; additionally. • SUPPLEMENTARY adv. added or serving as a supplement. |