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There are 12 words containing M, 3O and 3T

BOTTOMMOSTbottommost adj. Alternative form of bottom-most.
bottom-most adj. Lowest, closest to the bottom.
BOTTOMMOST adj. situated at the very bottom.
COTTONMOUTHcottonmouth n. (Medicine, uncountable) An oral dryness often associated with certain medicines and recreational drugs.
cottonmouth n. A snake, Agkistrodon piscivorus, the water moccasin.
cottonmouth n. A snake, Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen, the northern copperhead.
COTTONMOUTHScottonmouths n. Plural of cottonmouth.
COTTONMOUTH n. a venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern US.
STOMATOLOGISTstomatologist n. (Medicine) A practitioner of stomatology.
STOMATOLOGIST n. a person who works in stomatology.
CYTOPHOTOMETRYcytophotometry n. (Biology) The analysis of the chemical composition of cells using a cytophotometer.
CYTOPHOTOMETRY n. photometry applied to the study of the cell or its constituents.
CYTOTAXONOMISTcytotaxonomist n. One who studies cytotaxonomy.
CYTOTAXONOMIST n. a practitioner of cytotaxonomy.
STOMATOLOGISTSstomatologists n. Plural of stomatologist.
STOMATOLOGIST n. a person who works in stomatology.
TETRACHOTOMOUStetrachotomous adj. Dividing or branching into four equal pieces.
TETRACHOTOMOUS adj. divided into fours.
CYTOPHOTOMETRICcytophotometric adj. Of or relating to cytophotometry, or measured using a cytophotometer.
CYTOPHOTOMETRIC adj. relating to cytophotometry.
CYTOTAXONOMISTScytotaxonomists n. Plural of cytotaxonomist.
CYTOTAXONOMIST n. a practitioner of cytotaxonomy.
GNATHOSTOMATOUSgnathostomatous adj. Relating to, or characteristic of members of the Gnathostomata.
GNATHOSTOMATOUS adj. of or like a gnathostome.
ODONTOSTOMATOUSODONTOSTOMATOUS adj. having biting or toothed jaws.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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