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There are 18 words containing 2M, 3O, P and T

COSMOPOLITANISMcosmopolitanism n. The idea that all of humanity belongs to a single moral community.
COSMOPOLITANISM n. the state of being cosmopolitan.
COSMOPOLITISMcosmopolitism n. The condition or character of a cosmopolite; disregard of national or local peculiarities and prejudices.
COSMOPOLITISM n. the state of being cosmopolitan.
COSMOPOLITISMScosmopolitisms n. Plural of cosmopolitism.
COSMOPOLITISM n. the state of being cosmopolitan.
IMMUNOPATHOLOGYimmunopathology n. (Medicine) The branch of immunology that studies the relation of the immune system to disease; a disease…
IMMUNOPATHOLOGY n. the study of immunity to disease.
MICROCOMPONENTmicrocomponent n. Any very small component.
MICROCOMPONENT n. a very small component.
MICROCOMPONENTSmicrocomponents n. Plural of microcomponent.
MICROCOMPONENT n. a very small component.
MICROPHOTOMETERmicrophotometer n. (Physics) Any of various photometers used either to measure the variation of densities over small areas…
MICROPHOTOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the amount of light transmitted or reflected by small areas or for measuring the relative densities of spectral lines on a photographic film or plate.
MICROPHOTOMETRYmicrophotometry n. Measurement performed with a microphotometer.
MICROPHOTOMETRY n. measurement by microphotometer, an instrument for measuring the amount of light transmitted or reflected by small areas or for measuring the relative densities of spectral lines on a photographic film or plate.
OMMATOPHOREommatophore n. An eyestalk.
OMMATOPHORE n. an eyestalk, as in snails.
OMMATOPHORESommatophores n. Plural of ommatophore.
OMMATOPHORE n. an eyestalk, as in snails.
OMMATOPHOROUSOMMATOPHOROUS adj. of or like ommatophore, an eyestalk, as in snails.
PHOTOCHROMISMphotochromism n. The reversible transformation of the optical properties of a material when exposed to electromagnetic…
PHOTOCHROMISM n. the property of changing color on exposure to light or other radiation and of reverting to original color immediately the light or radiation source is removed.
PHOTOCHROMISMSphotochromisms n. Plural of photochromism.
PHOTOCHROMISM n. the property of changing color on exposure to light or other radiation and of reverting to original color immediately the light or radiation source is removed.
SYMPTOMATOLOGICsymptomatologic adj. Of or pertaining to symptomatology.
SYMPTOMATOLOGIC adj. relating to symptomatology.
SYMPTOMATOLOGYsymptomatology n. (Uncountable) The science that studies the symptoms of diseases.
symptomatology n. (Countable) The aggregate of symptoms of a particular disease.
SYMPTOMATOLOGY n. the study of symptoms of illness.
SYMPTOMOLOGICALsymptomological adj. Of or pertaining to symptomology.
SYMPTOMOLOGICAL adj. related to symptomology.
SYMPTOMOLOGIESsymptomologies n. Plural of symptomology.
SYMPTOMOLOGY n. the science of symptoms.
SYMPTOMOLOGYsymptomology n. (Informal) symptomatology.
SYMPTOMOLOGY n. the science of symptoms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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