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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 5 nine-letter words containing M, N, O, R, 2T and U

ANTITUMORantitumor adj. (Oncology) Inhibiting the development of a tumor.
antitumor n. Any substance that inhibits tumors.
ANTITUMOR n. a drug designed to prevent tumors.
MUTTONIERMUTTONY adj. like mutton; having a flavor of mutton.
STRONTIUMstrontium n. The metallic chemical element (symbol Sr) with an atomic number of 38. It is a soft, reactive, silvery…
strontium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
STRONTIUM n. a metallic element of the calcium group.
TENTORIUMtentorium n. The framework of internal supports (a false endoskeleton) within an arthropod head, formed by ingrowths…
tentorium n. (Anatomy) The tentorium cerebelli, an extension of the dura mater that separates the cerebellum from…
TENTORIUM n. (Latin) a sheet of the dura mater stretched between the cerebrum and the cerebellum.
TORMENTUMtormentum n. (Historical) An ancient engine for hurling missiles.
TORMENTUM n. (Latin) a missile hurler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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