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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing M, 2O, 2R, S and U

AGROTOURISMSAGROTOURISM n. the business of providing holidays in an agricultural setting, also AGRITOURISM.
ASTROTOURISMastrotourism n. Tourism pertaining to stars, meteors, eclipses, etc.
astrotourism n. Synonym of space tourism.
ASTROTOURISM n. tourism in space.
BROMOURACILSbromouracils n. Plural of bromouracil.
BROMOURACIL n. a uracil derivative that is an analog of thymine and pairs readily with adenine and sometimes with guanine.
COMPURGATORScompurgators n. Plural of compurgator.
COMPURGATOR n. one who under oath vouches for the character or conduct of an accused person.
FLUOROMETERSfluorometers n. Plural of fluorometer.
FLUOROMETER n. an instrument for measuring fluorescence, also FLUORIMETER.
HETEROMEROUSheteromerous adj. (Biology) Having different types or numbers of parts (within the same or similar structure).
HETEROMEROUS adj. unequal or different parts within the same structure.
MACROPTEROUSmacropterous adj. Having long wings or fins.
MACROPTEROUS adj. having large wings or fins.
MICROPTEROUSmicropterous adj. (Entomology) Having small, sometimes merely vestigial, wings.
MICROPTEROUS adj. having small wings or fins.
MICROSPOROUSmicrosporous adj. Relating to microspores.
MICROSPOROUS adj. of or like a microspore, also MICROSPORIC.
MICROSURGEONmicrosurgeon n. (Surgery) A surgeon who specializes in microsurgery.
MICROSURGEON n. a surgeon who specialises in microsurgery.
MOORBUZZARDSmoor␣buzzards n. Plural of moor buzzard.
MOORBUZZARD n. the marsh harrier.
NEUROHUMOURSneurohumours n. Plural of neurohumour.
NEUROHUMOUR n. a neurohormone, esp. a neurotransmitter, also NEUROHUMOR.
PARAMORPHOUSparamorphous adj. (Mineralogy) Relating to, or exhibiting, paramorphism.
PARAMORPHOUS adj. of or like a paramorph.
PERIMORPHOUSperimorphous adj. Perimorphic.
PERIMORPHOUS adj. like a perimorph, also PERIMORPHIC.
PITYROSPORUMPityrosporum prop.n. Former name of Malassezia (“fungus genus”).
PITYROSPORUM n. a yeastlike fungus which can cause pityriasis.
PROMULGATORSpromulgators n. Plural of promulgator.
PROMULGATOR n. one who promulgates.
RUMORMONGERSrumormongers n. Plural of rumormonger.
rumormongers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rumormonger.
rumor␣mongers n. Plural of rumor monger.
XEROMORPHOUSxeromorphous adj. Xeromorphic.
XEROMORPHOUS adj. of parts of a plant, protected against excessive loss of water by thick cuticles, coatings of hairs and similar structural features, also XEROMORPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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