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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing M, P, R, 2S and 2T

METAPHRASTSmetaphrasts n. Plural of metaphrast.
METAPHRAST n. one who produces a metaphrase.
MOTORSPORTSmotorsports n. Plural of motorsport.
MULTISPORTSmultisports adj. Of or pertaining to multiple sports.
PATRIOTISMSpatriotisms n. Plural of patriotism.
PATRIOTISM n. love for or devotion to one's country.
PESTERMENTSpesterments n. Plural of pesterment.
PESTERMENT n. the act of pestering, or the state of being pestered.
POSTMASTERSpostmasters n. Plural of postmaster.
POSTMASTER n. one who has charge of a station for the accommodation of travelers; one who supplies post horses.
POSTMORTEMSpostmortems n. Plural of postmortem.
post-mortems n. Plural of post-mortem.
post␣mortems n. Plural of post mortem.
PRAGMATISTSpragmatists n. Plural of pragmatist.
PRAGMATIST n. one who is pragmatic.
PROSTATISMSprostatisms n. Plural of prostatism.
PROSTATISM n. an illness or disorder associated with enlargement of the prostate.
PROTOSTOMESprotostomes n. Plural of protostome.
PROTOSTOME n. a major group of bilateral metazoan animals, that includes mollusks and annelids.
SMARTYPANTSsmartypants n. Alternative form of smarty pants.
smarty␣pants n. (Informal) A smart aleck or know-it-all.
SMARTYPANTS n. an overly clever person.
STEPMOTHERSstepmothers n. Plural of stepmother.
step-mothers n. Plural of step-mother.
STEPMOTHER n. the wife of one's father when distinct from one's natural or legal mother.
STIMPMETERSStimpmeters n. Plural of Stimpmeter.
STIMPMETER n. a device that measures the speed of a putting green by propelling a golf ball down a ramp at a standard initial velocity and measuring how far it travels.
STREETLAMPSstreetlamps n. Plural of streetlamp.
street-lamps n. Plural of street-lamp.
street␣lamps n. Plural of street lamp.
SUPREMATISTsuprematist adj. Of or pertaining to the art movement Suprematism.
suprematist n. An artist working in the style of Suprematism.
SUPREMATIST n. a practitioner in suprematism.
TEMPTRESSEStemptresses n. Plural of temptress.
TEMPTRESS n. a female tempter.
TRIPARTISMSTRIPARTISM n. an established system of dialogue between three related groups.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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