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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing M, P, R, 3S and T

HIPSTERISMShipsterisms n. Plural of hipsterism.
HIPSTERISM n. the state of being a hipster, a person who knows and appreciates up-to-date jazz.
MASSPRIESTSmass␣priests n. Plural of mass priest.
MASSPRIEST n. a priest retained in chantries to say masses for the dead.
MASTERSHIPSmasterships n. Plural of mastership.
MASTERSHIP n. the state or office of a master.
PARASITISMSparasitisms n. Plural of parasitism.
PARASITISM n. the behavior of a parasite.
PASSIMETERSpassimeters n. Plural of passimeter.
PASSIMETER n. a machine for issuing automatic tickets.
PASTEURISMSPASTEURISM n. a method of treatment, devised by Pasteur, for preventing certain diseases, as hydrophobia, by successive inoculations with an attenuated virus of gradually increasing strength.
POSTMASTERSpostmasters n. Plural of postmaster.
POSTMASTER n. one who has charge of a station for the accommodation of travelers; one who supplies post horses.
PRESENTISMSpresentisms n. Plural of presentism.
PRESENTISM n. the practice of evaluating past events and people by present-day values.
PRESTISSIMOprestissimo adj. (Music) Extremely fast, the fastest possible tempo.
prestissimo adv. (Chiefly music) Very quickly.
PRESTISSIMO adj. (Italian) as quickly as possible.
PROSTATISMSprostatisms n. Plural of prostatism.
PROSTATISM n. an illness or disorder associated with enlargement of the prostate.
SEPARATISMSseparatisms n. Plural of separatism.
SEPARATISM n. a belief in, movement for, or state of separation, also SEPARATIONISM.
SHIPMASTERSshipmasters n. Plural of shipmaster.
SHIPMASTER n. the master or commander of a ship other than a warship.
SLIPSTREAMSslipstreams n. Plural of slipstream.
slipstreams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of slipstream.
SLIPSTREAM v. to drive in the slipstream of a vehicle.
SPINMASTERSspinmasters n. Plural of spinmaster.
SUPERSTORMSsuperstorms n. Plural of superstorm.
SUPERSTORM n. an extremely powerful storm that causes widespread devastation.
SUPERSYSTEMsupersystem n. A system comprising several subsystems.
SUPERSYSTEM n. a system that is made up of systems.
TEMPTRESSEStemptresses n. Plural of temptress.
TEMPTRESS n. a female tempter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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