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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing M, 3O, R, S and U

ACRODROMOUSacrodromous adj. (Botany) Alternative form of acrodrome.
ACRODROMOUS adj. of the veins in a leaf, running parallel to the edges of the leaf and fusing at the tip, also ACRODROME.
HOMEOMEROUShomeomerous adj. (Archaic) Alternative form of homoeomerous.
HOMOPTEROUShomopterous adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Homoptera, a former suborder of insects.
HOMOPTEROUS adj. relating to the Homoptera, aphids, cicadas, and scale insects.
HOMOSPOROUShomosporous adj. (Botany) producing spores of the same size and type.
HOMOSPOROUS adj. producing only one size or kind of spore, as opposed to heterosporous.
IMPOSTOROUSIMPOSTOROUS adj. relating to imposture, also IMPOSTUROUS.
ISOMORPHOUSisomorphous adj. Of, relating to, or exhibiting isomorphism.
ISOMORPHOUS adj. similar in form.
MICROPOROUSmicroporous adj. (Of a material) Having micropores of a size less than 2 nanometres.
MICROPOROUS adj. of or like a micropore.
MONOCARPOUSmonocarpous adj. Synonym of monocarpic.
MONOCARPOUS adj. having only one ovary; producing one fruit, also MONOCARPIC.
MONOLATROUSmonolatrous adj. Worshipping only one god.
MONOLATROUS adj. worshipping one god only out of many believed to exist.
MOTONEURONSmotoneurons n. Plural of motoneuron.
MOTONEURON n. a neuron that passes from the central nervous system toward a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement.
MOTORMOUTHSmotormouths n. Plural of motormouth.
motor-mouths n. Plural of motor-mouth.
motor␣mouths n. Plural of motor mouth.
OLIGOMEROUSoligomerous adj. (Biology) Having only a few members in a particular organ.
OLIGOMEROUS adj. having few parts; having fewer members than the other whorls of a flower.
OMBROGENOUSombrogenous adj. (Of peat or a bog) Dependant on rain.
OMBROGENOUS adj. of plants, able to flourish in wet conditions.
OUTDOORSMANoutdoorsman n. A man who spends time in outdoor pursuits or sports.
OUTDOORSMAN n. one who spends much time in the outdoors or in outdoor activities.
OUTDOORSMENoutdoorsmen n. Plural of outdoorsman.
OUTDOORSMAN n. one who spends much time in the outdoors or in outdoor activities.
POLYAMOROUSpolyamorous adj. Having relationships with multiple partners, with the knowledge and consent of all involved; engaging in polyamory.
polyamorous adj. Open to having such relationships, regardless of one’s experience or current practices.
POLYAMOROUS adj. related to polyamory, the state or practice of having more than one open romantic relationship at a time.
SPOROGONIUMsporogonium n. The sporophyte of a bryophyte (moss, liverwort or hornwort), generally consisting of a foot, seta and capsule.
SPOROGONIUM n. an organ that produces asexual spores in mosses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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