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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing M, 3O, R and 2S

CHROMOSOMESchromosomes n. Plural of chromosome.
CHROMOSOME n. a threadlike body containing the genetic material in the cell nucleus.
COCOMPOSERScocomposers n. Plural of cocomposer.
COCOMPOSER n. a joint composer.
COMPOSITORScompositors n. Plural of compositor.
COMPOSITOR n. one who sets type.
COSMODROMEScosmodromes n. Plural of cosmodrome.
COSMODROME n. a launching-site for spacecraft.
HOMOSPORIESHOMOSPORY n. having spores all of one kind.
HOMOSPOROUShomosporous adj. (Botany) producing spores of the same size and type.
HOMOSPOROUS adj. producing only one size or kind of spore, as opposed to heterosporous.
IMPOSTOROUSIMPOSTOROUS adj. relating to imposture, also IMPOSTUROUS.
ISOMORPHOUSisomorphous adj. Of, relating to, or exhibiting isomorphism.
ISOMORPHOUS adj. similar in form.
MICROCOSMOSmicrocosmos n. A small or microscopic cosmos; a microcosm.
MICROCOSMOS n. a little universe or world.
MISOPROSTOLmisoprostol n. (Pharmacology) A drug used for various purposes including the prevention of drug-induced gastric ulcers…
MONOCEROSESmonoceroses n. Plural of monoceros.
MONOCEROS n. a one-horned creature; a unicorn; a sea monster with one horn.
MOSSTROOPERmosstrooper n. Alternative spelling of moss-trooper.
moss-trooper n. (Historical) Any of a band of raiders or bandits who marauded the Scottish borders in the 17th century.
MOSSTROOPER n. (historical) a 17th century border raider.
MOTOCROSSESmotocrosses n. Plural of motocross.
MOTOCROSS n. a form of scrambling, motorcycle racing round a rough circuit.
MOTORSPORTSmotorsports n. Plural of motorsport.
PROTOSTOMESprotostomes n. Plural of protostome.
PROTOSTOME n. a major group of bilateral metazoan animals, that includes mollusks and annelids.
SCHOOLROOMSschoolrooms n. Plural of schoolroom.
SCHOOLROOM n. a classroom.
SERVOMOTORSservomotors n. Plural of servomotor.
SERVOMOTOR n. a motor using a servomechanism.
SMOOTHBORESsmoothbores n. Plural of smoothbore.
SMOOTHBORE n. a gun with a smooth bore.
STRONGROOMSstrongrooms n. Plural of strongroom.
strong␣rooms n. Plural of strong room.
STRONGROOM n. a room for the keeping of valuables etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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