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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing M, N, 2O, P and 2T

COMPETITIONcompetition n. (Uncountable) The action of competing.
competition n. (Countable) A contest for a prize or award.
competition n. (Uncountable, collectively) The competitors in such a contest.
COMPLOTTINGcomplotting v. Present participle of complot.
complotting n. The forming of a joint plot; conspiracy.
COMPLOT v. to conspire.
COMPORTMENTcomportment n. The manner in which one behaves or conducts oneself.
comportment n. Deportment, bearing.
COMPORTMENT n. behaviour, bearing.
COMPOTATIONcompotation n. (Archaic) The social act of drinking together.
COMPOTATION n. an act of carousing in company.
COMPUTATIONcomputation n. The act or process of computing; calculation; reckoning.
computation n. The result of computation; the amount computed.
COMPUTATION n. the act or action of computing.
IMPORTATIONimportation n. The act or an instance of importing.
importation n. The act or an instance of carrying or conveying, especially into some system, place, area or country.
importation n. That which is imported; commodities or wares introduced into a country from abroad.
MOUNTAINTOPmountaintop n. The summit of a mountain.
mountaintop adj. Situated or occurring on the summit of a mountain.
mountain␣top n. Alternative spelling of mountaintop.
MULTIPHOTONmultiphoton adj. Involving multiple photons.
MULTIPHOTON adj. having many photons.
MUTTONCHOPSmuttonchops n. Plural of muttonchop.
muttonchops n. Mutton-chop whiskers.
mutton␣chops n. Plural of mutton chop.
OMNIPOTENTSomnipotents n. Plural of omnipotent.
OMNIPOTENT n. one who is all-powerful.
PLUTONOMISTplutonomist n. An economist who studies plutonomy.
plutonomist n. A member of a plutonomy who owns a disproportionate amount of wealth.
PLUTONOMIST n. a student of plutonomy, political economy.
POTAMOGETONpotamogeton n. (Botany) Any of the plants of the genus Potamogeton.
Potamogeton prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Potamogetonaceae – pondweeds.
POTAMOGETON n. a plant of the pondweed genus of water plants, with floating and submerged leaves.
PROTONEMATAprotonemata n. Plural of protonema.
PROTONEMA n. a branched filament produced by germination of a moss spore, giving rise to moss plants from buds.
TAPHONOMISTtaphonomist n. One who studies taphonomy.
TAPHONOMIST n. an expert or specialist in taphonomy.
TOPONYMISTStoponymists n. Plural of toponymist.
TOPONYMIST n. one who studies toponymy, the study of place-names.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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