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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing M, N, 3O, P and R

MONOCARPOUSmonocarpous adj. Synonym of monocarpic.
MONOCARPOUS adj. having only one ovary; producing one fruit, also MONOCARPIC.
MONOCROPPEDmonocropped adj. Of land: used for monocropping.
MONOCROP v. to plant the same crop in the same field year after year.
MONOMORPHICmonomorphic adj. Having or existing in a single shape or form.
monomorphic adj. (Genetics, of a gene) invariant across a species.
monomorphic adj. (Programming, of a function) taking only a single data type.
MONOPOLISERmonopoliser n. Alternative form of monopolizer.
MONOPOLISER n. one who monopolises, also MONOPOLIZER.
MONOPOLIZERmonopolizer n. One who monopolizes.
MONOPOLIZER n. one who monopolizes, also MONOPOLISER.
MONOSTROPHEmonostrophe n. A metrical composition having a single strophe.
MONOSTROPHE n. a poem in which all the stanzas or strophes are written in the same metre.
MORPHOLINOSmorpholinos n. Plural of morpholino.
MORPHOLINO n. a type of molecule used in altering the development of genes by preventing the access of other molecules.
NONCOMPOSERnoncomposer n. One who is not a composer (writer of music).
NONCOMPOSER n. one who is not a composer.
PROMOTIONALpromotional adj. Of or relating to an advertising promotion; serving to promote a service, institution, business, etc.
promotional adj. Of or relating to promotion to a post of higher status.
promotional n. An advertising promotion.
SPOROGONIUMsporogonium n. The sporophyte of a bryophyte (moss, liverwort or hornwort), generally consisting of a foot, seta and capsule.
SPOROGONIUM n. an organ that produces asexual spores in mosses.
TROPOMYOSINtropomyosin n. (Biochemistry) A protein involved in muscle contraction. It is related to myosin and occurs together…
TROPOMYOSIN n. a filamentous protein which controls the interaction of actin and myosin in muscle fibres.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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