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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing M, N, O, P, R, T and U

ENTROPIUMSENTROPIUM n. (Greek) the inversion or turning in of the border of the eyelids, also ENTROPION.
IMPORTUNEDimportuned v. Simple past tense and past participle of importune.
IMPORTUNE v. to press or urge with repeated requests.
IMPORTUNERimportuner n. One who importunes.
IMPORTUNER n. one who importunes.
IMPORTUNESimportunes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of importune.
IMPORTUNE v. to press or urge with repeated requests.
PARAMOUNTSparamounts n. Plural of paramount.
PARAMOUNT n. an overlord; a supreme ruler or proprietor.
PERITONEUMperitoneum n. (Anatomy) In mammals, the serous membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen and that is folded over the viscera.
peritoneum n. (Zoology) In animals, the membrane lining the coelom cavity.
PERITONEUM n. the smooth serous membrane which lines the cavity of the abdomen.
PORTMANTUAportmantua n. Obsolete form of portmanteau (“case”).
PORTMANTUA n. (obsolete) a portmanteau, also PORTMANTEAU, PORTMANTLE.
POULTRYMANpoultryman n. A male poulterer.
POULTRYMAN n. one who keeps poultry.
POULTRYMENpoultrymen n. Plural of poultryman.
POULTRYMAN n. one who keeps poultry.
PROCUMBENTprocumbent adj. Prone or prostrate.
procumbent adj. (Botany) That trails along the ground.
procumbent adj. (Dentistry) inclined towards the lips.
PROSTERNUMprosternum n. (Zoology) The ventral plate of the prothorax of an insect.
PROSTERNUM n. the sternum of the prothorax of insects.
PROTOHUMANprotohuman adj. Pertaining to the first humans or the beginning of humankind.
protohuman n. One of the earliest humans preceding Homo sapiens.
proto-human adj. Alternative form of protohuman.
RECOUPMENTrecoupment n. A recovery of what had been lost; reimbursement.
recoupment n. (Law) A reduction of the plaintiff’s damages by keeping out a part.
RECOUPMENT n. the act of recouping.
RESUMPTIONresumption n. The act of resuming or starting something again.
resumption n. (Chiefly Australia) eminent domain.
RESUMPTION n. an act or instance of resuming.
UNPROMPTEDunprompted adj. Without being told to say or do something.
UNPROMPTED adj. not prompted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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