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There are 17 words containing 3M, S and 2T

COMMITMENTScommitments n. Plural of commitment.
COMMITMENT n. the state of being committed.
METASOMATISMmetasomatism n. (Geology) The process by which the bulk chemical composition of a rock is changed by the introduction…
METASOMATISM n. metamorphism caused chiefly by introduction of fluids and/or ions.
MISMATCHMENTmismatchment n. Mismatching; a bad or unsuitable match.
MISMATCHMENT n. the act of mismatching.
MULTISTEMMEDmultistemmed adj. Having multiple stems.
MULTISTEMMED adj. having many stems.
MATHEMATICISMmathematicism n. An approach or worldview that is rooted in mathematics.
MATHEMATICISM n. the belief that everything can be described or explained ultimately in mathematical terms.
METASOMATISMSmetasomatisms n. Plural of metasomatism.
METASOMATISM n. metamorphism caused chiefly by introduction of fluids and/or ions.
MISMATCHMENTSmismatchments n. Plural of mismatchment.
MISMATCHMENT n. the act of mismatching.
RECOMMITMENTSrecommitments n. Plural of recommitment.
RECOMMITMENT n. the act of recommitting.
MATHEMATICISMSMATHEMATICISM n. the belief that everything can be described or explained ultimately in mathematical terms.
METACHROMATISMmetachromatism n. Metachromasia.
METACHROMATISM n. a change in colour, esp. when caused by a change in temperature.
NONCOMMITMENTSnoncommitments n. Plural of noncommitment.
NONCOMMITMENT n. lack of commitment.
PRECOMMITMENTSprecommitments n. Plural of precommitment.
PRECOMMITMENT n. a preliminary commitment.
IMMUNOSTIMULANTimmunostimulant n. (Immunology, pharmacology) Any substance that stimulates an immune response.
immunostimulant adj. (Immunology, pharmacology) That stimulates an immune response.
IMMUNOSTIMULANT n. a drug or nutrient which stimulates the body's immune system.
METACHROMATISMSMETACHROMATISM n. a change in colour, esp. when caused by a change in temperature.
METAMATHEMATICSmetamathematics n. A branch of mathematics dealing with mathematical systems and their nature.
METAMATHEMATICS n. a field of study concerned with the formal structure and properties (as the consistency and completeness of axioms) of mathematical systems.
OVERCOMMITMENTSovercommitments n. Plural of overcommitment.
OVERCOMMITMENT n. excessive commitment.
SYMPATHOMIMETICsympathomimetic adj. (Medicine) That produces effects similar to those of the sympathetic nervous system.
sympathomimetic n. (Medicine) Any medicine with this effect.
SYMPATHOMIMETIC adj. simulating sympathetic nervous action in physiological effect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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