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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing M, N, P, R, S and T

COMPRINTScomprints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of comprint.
COMPRINT v. to share in printing.
EMPATRONSEMPATRON v. (Shakespeare) to patronize.
MISPRINTSmisprints n. Plural of misprint.
misprints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misprint.
MISPRINT v. to print incorrectly.
MOONPORTSmoonports n. Plural of moonport.
MOONPORT n. a facility for launching spacecraft to the moon.
ORPIMENTSorpiments n. Plural of orpiment.
ORPIMENT n. a yellow arsenic compound used as a pigment.
PARAMENTSparaments n. Plural of parament.
PARAMENT n. (obsolete) a rich decoration, hanging or robe.
PERMATANSpermatans n. Plural of permatan.
perma-tans n. Plural of perma-tan.
PERMATAN n. a permanent tan.
PERMEANTSpermeants n. Plural of permeant.
PERMEANT n. something that permeates.
PROTAMINSprotamins n. Plural of protamin.
PROTAMIN n. any of a class of simple basic proteins which occur combined with nucleic acids (esp. in fish sperm), also PROTAMINE.
SPEARMINTspearmint n. A herb of the mint family (Mentha spicata), commonly used in herb tea, candy and to treat mild stomach ache.
SPEARMINT n. a common garden mint used in cooking and flavouring.
SPORTSMANsportsman n. (UK) A man who engages in sports; an athlete.
sportsman n. (Dated) A man who engages in country sports, such as hunting or fishing.
sportsman n. A man who exhibits good sportsmanship, or who exhibits sportsmanship as specified (good or bad).
SPORTSMENsportsmen n. Plural of sportsman.
SPORTSMAN n. a man who engages in sport.
STRAMPINGSTRAMP v. (Scots) to tread, stamp.
TRAMPINGStrampings n. Plural of tramping.
TRAMPING n. the act of tramping.
TRANSUMPTtransumpt n. (Obsolete) A copy or exemplification of a record.
TRANSUMPT n. a copy, a transcript; esp. of a legal document.
TRUMPINGStrumpings n. Plural of trumping.
TRUMPING n. the act of trumping.
UNTEMPERSuntempers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of untemper.
UNTEMPER v. to destroy the temper of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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