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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing 2M, S, T and 2U

GUMMATOUSgummatous adj. (Medicine) Belonging to, or resembling, gumma.
GUMMATOUS adj. of the nature of or resembling a gumma, a syphilitic sore.
HUMSTRUMShumstrums n. Plural of humstrum.
HUMSTRUM n. a hurdy-gurdy.
MENSTRUUMmenstruum n. (Chiefly in the plural, historical) The menses; menstrual discharge.
menstruum n. (Historical) A solvent.
menstruum n. Any liquid medium.
MUSHMOUTHmushmouth n. (Rare, slang) Someone who has a muffled or otherwise unclear voice.
MUSHMOUTH n. (US) a person who slurs or mumbles in speaking.
MUTUALISMmutualism n. (Ecology) Any interaction between two species that benefits both; typically involves the exchange of…
mutualism n. An economic theory and anarchist school of thought that advocates a society where each person might…
MUTUALISM n. a belief in the mutual dependence of society and the individual.
OUTSUMMEDoutsummed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsum.
OUTSUM v. to outnumber.
SUBMENTUMsubmentum n. (Zoology) The basal part of the labium of insects, which bears the mentum.
SUBMENTUM n. the basal part of the labium of insects.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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