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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing M, 2O, 2R and T

MOORWORTmoorwort n. A plant, the staggerbush.
MOORWORT n. a marsh flower, aka bog rosemary, bog asphodel.
MORATORYmoratory adj. (Law, finance) Pertaining to delay of payment or fulfilment of an obligation.
MORATORY adj. authorizing delay of payment.
MOTORCARmotorcar n. An enclosed passenger motor vehicle, a car, powered by an engine.
motorcar n. (Rail transport, US) A self-propelled railway vehicle.
motor␣car n. Alternative spelling of motorcar.
OROMETERorometer n. An aneroid barometer having a second scale that gives the approximate elevation above sea level of the…
OROMETER n. a barometer showing height above sea-level.
PREMOTORpremotor adj. (Anatomy) Near the front of the motor cortex; see premotor cortex.
premotor adj. (Physiology) Describing the interval between the arrival of a stimulus and the first changes in a muscle.
PREMOTOR adj. pertaining to a part of the frontal lobe of the brain.
PROMOTERpromoter n. One who promotes.
promoter n. (Genetics) The section of DNA that controls the initiation of RNA transcription as a product of a gene.
promoter n. An accelerator of catalysis that is not itself a catalyst.
PROMOTORpromotor n. (Academia) A full professor of a Dutch, Flemish, South African, or German university who acts as the…
promotor n. (Chemistry) A material that accelerates the action of a catalyst.
PROMOTOR n. a person who presents candidates for graduation.
RESTROOMrestroom n. (US, euphemistic) A room containing a public toilet: a public lavatory.
rest␣room n. Alternative spelling of restroom.
RESTROOM n. a room furnished with toilets and washbasins.
ROOTWORMrootworm n. A worm that tunnels through the roots of young plants.
ROOTWORM n. a beetle whose larvae feed on the roots of crop plants.
ROTIFORMrotiform adj. Having the shape of a wheel.
rotiform adj. (Botany) Having a short tube and spreading limb.
ROTIFORM adj. shaped like a wheel.
TOMORROWtomorrow adv. On the day after the present day.
tomorrow adv. At some point in the future; later on.
tomorrow adv. (Possibly obsolete) On next (period of time other than a day, such as a week or a month), following…
TRIMOTORtrimotor adj. That has three motors, especially an aircraft with three piston engines.
trimotor n. An aircraft with three piston motors.
TRIMOTOR n. an aeroplane powered by three engines.
WORMROOTwormroot n. Synonym of wormgrass.
WORMROOT n. a medicinal plant root, also PINKROOT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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