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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing M, N, 3S and V

AMATIVENESSESAMATIVENESS n. the state of being amative.
AMUSIVENESSESAMUSIVENESS n. the state of being amusive.
CONSERVATISMSconservatisms n. Plural of conservatism.
CONSERVATISM n. the principles and policies of a Conservative party.
DISSEVERMENTSdisseverments n. Plural of disseverment.
EMOTIVENESSESEMOTIVENESS n. the state of being emotive.
IMMERSIVENESSimmersiveness n. The quality or degree of being immersive.
IMPASSIVENESSimpassiveness n. The state of being impassive.
IMPASSIVE n. not showing feeling or emotion.
IMPULSIVENESSimpulsiveness n. The quality of being impulsive.
IMPULSIVENESS n. the state of being impulsive.
MARVELOUSNESSmarvelousness n. The quality or state of being marvelous.
MARVELOUSNESS n. the state of being marvelous, also MARVELLOUSNESS.
MASSIVENESSESmassivenesses n. Plural of massiveness.
MASSIVENESS n. the state of being massive.
MOVABLENESSESMOVABLENESS n. the state of being movable, also MOVEABLENESS.
REMOVEDNESSESREMOVEDNESS n. the state of being removed.
SALVATIONISMSsalvationisms n. Plural of salvationism.
SALVATIONISM n. religious teaching emphasizing the saving of the soul.
STAKHANOVISMSSTAKHANOVISM n. the practice of working like a stakhanovite, a worker who received recognition for his or her part in increasing the rate of production.
TRANSVESTISMStransvestisms n. Plural of transvestism.
TRANSVESTISM n. dressing oneself in clothes of the opposite sex.
UNIVERSALISMSuniversalisms n. Plural of universalism.
Universalisms n. Plural of Universalism.
UNIVERSALISM n. belief in universal salvation.
VERMINOUSNESSVERMINOUSNESS n. the state of being verminous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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