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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing M, N, 2R, S and V

ANIMADVERTERSanimadverters n. Plural of animadverter.
ANIMADVERTER n. one who animadverts, comments on critically.
CIRCUMVENTERScircumventers n. Plural of circumventer.
CIRCUMVENTER n. one who circumvents, also CIRCUMVENTOR.
CIRCUMVENTORScircumventors n. Plural of circumventor.
CIRCUMVENTOR n. one who circumvents, also CIRCUMVENTER.
GRAMINIVOROUSgraminivorous adj. (Entomology) That eats grasses and seeds.
GRAMINIVOROUS adj. feeding on grass or cereals.
IMPERSEVERANTimperseverant adj. (Obsolete) Not persevering; fickle; thoughtless.
IMPERSEVERANT adj. lacking the power to perceive.
MISADVENTURERmisadventurer n. One who experiences misadventures.
MISADVENTURER n. one who misadventures.
OVERCRAMMINGSOVERCRAMMING n. the act of cramming to excess.
OVERMASTERINGovermastering v. Present participle of overmaster.
overmastering adj. Which overmasters; dominating, oppressive, conquering.
OVERMASTER v. to overpower.
OVERMEASURINGovermeasuring v. Present participle of overmeasure.
OVERMEASURE v. to measure excessively.
OVERORNAMENTSoverornaments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overornament.
OVERORNAMENT v. to ornament excessively.
OVERPROMISINGoverpromising v. Present participle of overpromise.
OVERPROMISE v. to promise too much.
PRIVATEERSMANprivateersman n. (Nautical) The captain or member of the crew of a privateer.
PRIVATEERSMAN n. a crew member on a privateer.
PRIVATEERSMENprivateersmen n. Plural of privateersman.
PRIVATEERSMAN n. a crew member on a privateer.
REMONSTRATIVEremonstrative adj. Of, characterized by, or exhibiting remonstration.
REMONSTRATIVE adj. expressing remonstration.
RENVERSEMENTSrenversements n. Plural of renversement.
RENVERSEMENT n. (French) an aeroplane manoeuvre consisting of a half-loop effected simultaneously with a half-turn.
RETRIEVEMENTSretrievements n. Plural of retrievement.
RETRIEVEMENT n. the act of retrieving.
SEMIEVERGREENsemievergreen adj. (Botany) Losing all of the leaves in winter only if it is cold enough.
semi-evergreen adj. Alternative form of semievergreen.
SEMIEVERGREEN adj. having functional and persistent foliage during part of the winter or dry season.
VERNACULARISMvernacularism n. A vernacular idiom.
vernacularism n. The belief that texts should be published in the vernacular.
VERNACULARISM n. a vernacular word or idiom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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