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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing M, 2N, R, U and Y

ENCUMBERINGLYencumberingly adv. In an encumbering manner.
ENCUMBERING adv. ENCUMBER, to impede the motion of, also INCUMBER.
INCUMBERINGLYincumberingly adv. In an incumbering manner.
INCUMBERING adv. INCUMBER, to impede the motion of, also ENCUMBER.
INTEGUMENTARYintegumentary adj. Of, related to, or composed of integuments.
INTEGUMENTARY adj. of or like an integument, also INTEGUMENTAL.
MONEYGRUBBINGmoneygrubbing adj. Alternative spelling of money-grubbing.
money-grubbing adj. Fiercely avaricious for money.
MONEYGRUBBING n. scraping and saving.
MOUNTEBANKERYmountebankery n. The practices of a mountebank; quackery; boastful and vain pretenses.
MOUNTEBANKERY n. the activities of a mountebank.
NONUNIFORMITYnonuniformity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being nonuniform.
nonuniformity n. (Countable) A nonuniform thing.
NONUNIFORMITY n. the state of being nonuniform.
UNCONFORMABLYunconformably adv. In an unconformable manner.
UNCONFORMABLE adv. not conforming.
UNDERLAYMENTSunderlayments n. Plural of underlayment.
UNDERLAYMENT n. the act of underlaying.
UNDERPAYMENTSunderpayments n. Plural of underpayment.
UNDERPAYMENT n. an insufficient payment.
UNIMPORTANTLYunimportantly adv. In a way that is not important; insignificantly.
UNMURMURINGLYunmurmuringly adv. Without protest or complaint.
UNMURMURING adv. not murmuring.
UNPROMISINGLYunpromisingly adv. In an unpromising manner.
UNPROMISING adv. appearing unlikely to prove worthwhile or result favorably.
UNREMITTENTLYunremittently adv. Synonym of unremittingly.
UNREMITTENT adv. not remittent.
UNREMITTINGLYunremittingly adv. In an unremitting manner.
UNREMITTING adv. not remitting.
UNTREMBLINGLYuntremblingly adv. Without trembling; courageously.
UNTREMBLING adv. not trembling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 86 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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