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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing 2M, 3O and P

COSMOPOLITISMcosmopolitism n. The condition or character of a cosmopolite; disregard of national or local peculiarities and prejudices.
COSMOPOLITISM n. the state of being cosmopolitan.
HOMEOMORPHIESHOMEOMORPHY n. the state of being homeomorphic, also HOMOMORPHY.
HOMEOMORPHISMhomeomorphism n. (Topology) a continuous bijection from one topological space to another, with continuous inverse.
homeomorphism n. (Chemistry) a similarity in the crystal structure of unrelated compounds.
HOMEOMORPHISM n. one-to-one correspondence of two geometric figures that is continuous in both directions.
HOMEOMORPHOUShomeomorphous adj. Similar in form or structure.
homeomorphous adj. (Mathematics) Homeomorphic.
HOMEOMORPHOUS adj. like a homeomorph.
HOMOEOMORPHIChomoeomorphic adj. (Britain, topology) Alternative spelling of homeomorphic.
homœomorphic adj. Archaic form of homeomorphic.
HOMOEOMORPHIC adj. of two geometrical figures, such that one can be converted into the other by distortion.
HOMOMORPHISMShomomorphisms n. Plural of homomorphism.
HOMOMORPHISM n. similarity of external form, appearance, or size.
HOMOMORPHOSESHOMOMORPHOSIS n. regeneration of a lost part in the original form.
HOMOMORPHOSIShomomorphosis n. (Biology) Regeneration in which the new part is like the part removed; replacement of a lost part by a similar part.
HOMOMORPHOSIS n. regeneration of a lost part in the original form.
HOMOPOLYMERIChomopolymeric adj. Of or pertaining to a homopolymer.
HOMOPOLYMERIC adj. of or like a homopolymer.
MONOMORPHEMICmonomorphemic adj. (Linguistics) Consisting of only one morpheme; not divisible into smaller parts.
MONOMORPHEMIC adj. consisting of only one morpheme.
MONOMORPHISMSmonomorphisms n. Plural of monomorphism.
MONOMORPHISM n. existence in one form only.
MORPHOPHONEMEmorphophoneme n. (Linguistics) One of the units of which the underlying representations of morphemes are composed.
MORPHOPHONEME n. either or any of two or more phonemes which form variant morphs representing one morpheme (as in wife, wives).
OMMATOPHOROUSOMMATOPHOROUS adj. of or like ommatophore, an eyestalk, as in snails.
PHOTOCHROMISMphotochromism n. The reversible transformation of the optical properties of a material when exposed to electromagnetic…
PHOTOCHROMISM n. the property of changing color on exposure to light or other radiation and of reverting to original color immediately the light or radiation source is removed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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