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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing M, 2R, S, T and Y

ARRHYTHMIASarrhythmias n. Plural of arrhythmia, which can refer to types of arrhythmia, cases of arrhythmia, or episodes of arrhythmia.
ARRHYTHMIA n. absence or irregularity of rhythm e.g. of the heart, also ARHYTHMIA, ARYTHMIA.
CHRISMATORYchrismatory n. Part of a church set aside for the rite of confirmation.
chrismatory n. A globular ampulla or jar used to hold chrism.
CHRISMATORY n. a vessel for holding holy oil.
CRYOMETRIESCRYOMETRY n. measurement by use of a cryometer, an instrument for measuring low temperatures.
CRYPTOGRAMScryptograms n. Plural of cryptogram.
CRYPTOGRAM n. anything written in cipher, also CRYPTOGRAPH.
ERYTHREMIASerythremias n. Plural of erythremia.
ERYTHREMIA n. another name for the medical condition polycythaemia vera, also ERYTHRAEMIA.
ERYTHRISMALerythrismal adj. Having an abnormally prevalent red pigmentation, having the condition erythrism.
ERYTHRISMAL adj. suffering from erythrism, also ERYTHRISTIC.
HYDROMETERShydrometers n. Plural of hydrometer.
HYDROMETER n. an instrument for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.
HYGROMETERShygrometers n. Plural of hygrometer.
HYGROMETER n. an instrument for measuring air moisture.
HYPERMETERShypermeters n. Plural of hypermeter.
HYPERMETER n. a verse which has a redundant syllable or foot; a hypercatalectic verse.
LACRYMATORSlacrymators n. Plural of lacrymator.
LACRYMATOR n. a substance or gas causing tears, also LACHRYMATOR, LACRIMATOR.
LITERARYISMliteraryism n. Literary style or expression.
LITERARYISM n. a bookish expression.
MARTYRISINGmartyrising v. Present participle of martyrise.
MARTYRISE v. to cause to suffer martyrdom, also MARTYRIZE.
POSTPRIMARYpostprimary adj. After primary school.
postprimary adj. (Politics) After a primary election.
POSTPRIMARY adj. taking place after primary (election).
PYROMETRIESPYROMETRY n. the art of measuring degrees of heat, or the expansion of bodies by heat.
STEREOMETRYstereometry n. (Now rare) The science of measuring the volume of solids or solid bodies.
STEREOMETRY n. the measurement of volumes of solid figures.
TERPOLYMERSterpolymers n. Plural of terpolymer.
TERPOLYMER n. a polymer such as a complex resin.
TIMBERYARDStimberyards n. Plural of timberyard.
timber␣yards n. Plural of timber yard.
TIMBERYARD n. a yard where wood is stored.
YARDMASTERSyardmasters n. Plural of yardmaster.
YARDMASTER n. a person in charge of a marshalling yard.
YESTERMORNSYESTERMORN n. yesterday morning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 91 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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