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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing M, N, R, S, U and V

ADVENTURISMadventurism n. The behaviour of an adventurer; risk-taking.
adventurism n. (Politics) The taking of excessive risks by a government in their political, economic or foreign affairs.
ADVENTURISM n. improvisation in the absence or in defiance of accepted plans or principles.
CIRCUMVENTScircumvents v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumvent.
CIRCUMVENT v. to go round, to get round.
COVERMOUNTScovermounts n. Plural of covermount.
COVERMOUNT v. to attach an item to the front of a magazine as a gift.
DEVOURMENTSdevourments n. Plural of devourment.
DEVOURMENT n. the act of devouring.
MANEUVERERSmaneuverers n. Plural of maneuverer.
MANEUVERER n. one who maneuvers, also MANOEUVRER.
MANOEUVRERSmanoeuvrers n. Plural of manoeuvrer.
manœuvrers n. Plural of manœuvrer.
MANOEUVRER n. one who manoeuvres, also MANEUVERER.
MAVOURNEENSmavourneens n. Plural of mavourneen.
MAVOURNEEN n. (Irish) my dear one, also MAVOURNIN.
MENSURATIVEmensurative adj. Relating to mensuration or measurement.
MENSURATIVE adj. relating to mensuration, also MENSURATIONAL.
MISVENTURESmisventures n. Plural of misventure.
MISVENTURE n. a misadventure, also MISADVENTURE.
OVERCONSUMEoverconsume v. To consume too much.
OVERCONSUME v. to consume to excess.
VANGUARDISMvanguardism n. (Politics) The strategy whereby an organization (usually a vanguard party) attempts to place itself…
VANGUARDISM n. the condition of being or practice of positioning oneself as or within the vanguard of a movement, esp. political.
VENTURESOMEventuresome adj. Bold; willing to take risks; adventurous.
venturesome adj. Potentially hazardous; risky.
VENTURESOME adj. involving risk.
VERMINOUSLYverminously adv. In a verminous way.
VERMINOUS adv. full of vermin.
VOLUNTARISMvoluntarism n. (US) A reliance on volunteers to support an institution or achieve an end; volunteerism.
voluntarism n. (Philosophy) A doctrine that assigns the most dominant position to the will rather than the intellect.
voluntarism n. (Politics) The political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals…
WAVENUMBERSwavenumbers n. Plural of wavenumber.
wave␣numbers n. Plural of wave number.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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