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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2M, N, 2O and U

COMMINUTIONcomminution n. (Often mining, waste management) The breaking or grinding up of a material to form smaller particles.
comminution n. (Traumatology) The fracture of a bone site in multiple pieces (technically, at least three); crumbling.
COMMINUTION n. the act of comminuting.
COMMUNIONALCOMMUNIONAL adj. related to communion.
COMMUTATIONcommutation n. (Formal or archaic) Substitution of one thing for another; interchange.
commutation n. Specifically, the substitution of one kind of payment for another, especially a switch to monetary payment…
commutation n. (Law) The change to a lesser penalty or punishment by the State.
CONDOMINIUMcondominium n. Joint sovereignty over a territory by two or more countries.
condominium n. (US, Canada, Philippines) A building or complex of buildings that provides multiple residential units…
CONDOMINIUM n. (US) a block of apartments in which each apartment is separately owned.
CONSUMMATORconsummator n. One who consummates.
CONSUMMATOR n. one who consummates.
COUNTERMEMOcountermemo n. A memo in reply to, and opposing, another memo.
COUNTERMEMO n. a memo made in contradiction of another.
EXCOMMUNIONexcommunion n. (Obsolete) A shutting out from communion; excommunication.
EXCOMMUNION n. (Milton) excommunication.
HORMOGONIUMhormogonium n. (Biology) A small, motile filament, formed by some cyanobacteria, that detaches and grows by cell division…
HORMOGONIUM n. a portion of a filament in many cyanobacteria that becomes detached as a reproductive body.
IMMOMENTOUSimmomentous adj. Not momentous; unimportant; insignificant.
IMMOMENTOUS adj. of no value, trifling, also IMMOMENT.
IMMUNOBLOTSimmunoblots n. Plural of immunoblot.
IMMUNOBLOT n. a technique used in biology to transfer a pattern of proteins.
IMMUNOLOGICimmunologic adj. Immunological.
IMMUNOLOGIC adj. relating to immunology, also IMMUNOLOGICAL.
IMMUNOTOXICimmunotoxic adj. (Immunology) Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an immunotoxin; toxic to the immune system.
IMMUNOTOXIC adj. relating to an immunotoxin.
IMMUNOTOXINimmunotoxin n. Any compound that is toxic to the immune system.
IMMUNOTOXIN n. a toxin with immunosuppressive effects.
MOMENTOUSLYmomentously adv. In a momentous manner.
MOMENTOUS adv. of great consequence.
MONOCHASIUMmonochasium n. (Botany) A type of cyme on which each single axis bears one flower.
MONOCHASIUM n. a cyme with a single main stem.
MONOSTOMOUSmonostomous adj. (Zoology) Having a single mouth or similar opening.
MONOSTOMOUS adj. having only one mouth, pore or similar opening, also MONOSTOME.
MUSHROOMINGmushrooming v. Present participle of mushroom.
mushrooming n. The act of gathering mushrooms.
mushrooming n. Rapid or explosive growth.
POLEMONIUMSpolemoniums n. Plural of polemonium.
POLEMONIUM n. a genus of gamopetalous perennial herbs, including the Jacob's ladder and the Greek valerian.
RUMORMONGERrumormonger n. (American spelling) A person who spreads rumors and gossip.
rumormonger v. To spread rumors and gossip.
rumor-monger n. Alternative spelling of rumormonger.
UNCOMMONESTuncommonest adj. Superlative form of uncommon: most uncommon.
UNCOMMON adj. not common.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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