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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing M, 2N, 2T and U

ATTUNEMENTattunement n. (Uncountable) The quality of being in tune with something.
attunement n. (Countable) The process of attuning or becoming attuned.
ATTUNEMENT n. the state of being attuned.
INSTRUMENTinstrument n. A device used to produce music.
instrument n. A means or agency for achieving an effect.
instrument n. A measuring or displaying device.
INSULTMENTinsultment n. (Obsolete) Insolent treatment; insult.
INSULTMENT n. (Shakespeare) insult.
INTEGUMENTintegument n. A shell or other outer protective layer.
integument n. (Biology) An outer protective covering such as the feathers or skin of an animal, a rind or shell.
integument n. (Botany) The outer layer of an ovule, which develops into the seed coat.
MENSTRUANTmenstruant n. A person who is menstruating.
menstruant adj. Menstruating.
NONMUTANTSnonmutants n. Plural of nonmutant.
NONMUTANT n. one who is not a mutant.
NUTRIMENTSnutriments n. Plural of nutriment.
NUTRIMENT n. anything which nourishes.
STUNTWOMANstuntwoman n. A woman who performs stunts.
stunt␣woman n. Alternative form of stuntwoman.
STUNTWOMAN n. a woman who doubles for an actress during the filming of stunts and dangerous scenes.
STUNTWOMENstuntwomen n. Plural of stuntwoman.
stunt␣women n. Plural of stunt woman.
STUNTWOMAN n. a woman who doubles for an actress during the filming of stunts and dangerous scenes.
TANTAMOUNTtantamount adj. Equivalent in meaning or effect; amounting to the same thing in practical terms, even if being technically distinct.
tantamount v. (Obsolete) To amount to as much; to be equivalent.
tantamount n. (Obsolete) Something which has the same value or amount (as something else). (attributive use passing…
TOURNAMENTtournament n. (Historical) During the Middle Ages, a series of battles and other contests designed to prepare knights for war.
tournament n. A series of games; either the same game played many times, or a succession of games related by a single…
tournament n. (Graph theory) A digraph obtained by assigning a direction to each edge in an undirected complete graph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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