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There are 17 ten-letter words containing M, 2N and 3O

HONEYMOONShoneymoons n. Plural of honeymoon.
honeymoons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of honeymoon.
honey␣moons n. Plural of honey moon.
MONOCLONALmonoclonal adj. (Biochemistry) genetically engineered from a single clone; used especially of a protein or antibody.
monoclonal n. (Immunochemistry) something produced from a single clone, especially a monoclonal antibody.
MONOCLONAL adj. derived from a single cell clone that can reproduce itself in vast quantities.
MONOGENOUSmonogenous adj. (Biology) Relating to monogenesis.
monogenous adj. (Mathematics) Having a single differential coefficient considered as a rule of generation.
MONOGENOUS adj. of or pertaining to monogenesis; as, monogenous, or asexual, reproduction.
MONOGONIESMONOGONY n. asexual reproduction.
MONOGYNOUSmonogynous adj. Exhibiting or relating to monogyny.
monogynous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the Monogynia; having only one style or stigma.
MONOGYNOUS adj. of or pertaining to Monogynia; having only one style or stigma.
MONOPHONICmonophonic adj. (Of sound reproduction) having a single channel; monaural (compare stereophonic).
monophonic adj. (Music) having a single melodic line and no harmony (compare polyphonic).
monophonic adj. (Orthography) having simple one-to-one mapping between letters and phonemes.
MONOPTERONmonopteron n. (Architecture) A circular temple consisting of a roof supported on columns, without a cella.
MONOPTERON n. a circular temple with one ring of columns.
MONOTONIESmonotonies n. Plural of monotony.
MONOTONY n. tedious sameness.
MONOTONINGmonotoning v. Present participle of monotone.
MONOTONE v. to sing or speak in a single unvaried tone or pitch.
MONOTONISEMONOTONISE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONIZE.
MONOTONIZEmonotonize v. (Transitive) To make monotonic.
monotonize v. (Transitive) To make monotonous.
MONOTONIZE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONISE.
MONOTONOUSmonotonous adj. Having an unvarying pitch or tone.
monotonous adj. Tedious, repetitious, or lacking in variety.
MONOTONOUS adj. uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone.
MONOXYLONSmonoxylons n. Plural of monoxylon.
MONOXYLON n. a canoe made from one log.
MOONSTONESmoonstones n. Plural of moonstone.
MOONSTONE n. a nearly pellucid variety of feldspar, showing pearly or opaline reflections from within.
MOTONEURONmotoneuron n. A motor neuron.
MOTONEURON n. a neuron that passes from the central nervous system toward a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement.
NINCOMPOOPnincompoop n. (Derogatory, childish) A foolish or silly person.
NINCOMPOOP n. a fool; a silly or stupid person, also NICKUMPOOP, NICOMPOOP.
NONCONFORMnonconform n. A manufactured product, etc. that fails to conform to the required standards.
nonconform v. (Intransitive) To fail or refuse to conform; to differ.
NONCONFORM v. to fail to conform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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