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There are 15 words containing M, Q, 2R and T

MARQUETRYmarquetry n. (Uncountable, woodworking) A decorative technique in which veneers of wood, ivory, metal etc. are inlaid…
marquetry n. (Countable) An example of this work.
MARQUETRY n. furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETERIE.
TRIQUETRUMtriquetrum n. (Anatomy) The triquetral bone.
triquetrum n. (Astronomy) An astronomical instrument.
TRIQUETRUM n. one of the bones of the carpus.
MARQUETERIEmarqueterie n. Alternative form of marquetry.
MARQUETERIE n. (French) furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETRY.
MARQUETRIESmarquetries n. Plural of marquetry.
MARQUETRY n. furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETERIE.
REQUIREMENTrequirement n. A necessity or prerequisite; something required or obligatory. Its adpositions are generally of in relation…
requirement n. Something asked.
requirement n. (Engineering, computing) A statement (in domain specific terms) which specifies a verifiable constraint…
MARQUETERIESmarqueteries n. Plural of marquetery.
marqueteries n. Plural of marqueterie.
MARQUETERIE n. (French) furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETRY.
QUARRYMASTERquarrymaster n. The person in charge of a quarry.
QUARRYMASTER n. one in charge of a quarry.
REQUIREMENTSrequirements n. Plural of requirement.
REQUIREMENT n. something required.
QUADRUMVIRATEquadrumvirate n. Synonym of quattuorvirate.
QUADRUMVIRATE n. a group of four men acting together in some capacity.
QUARRYMASTERSquarrymasters n. Plural of quarrymaster.
QUARRYMASTER n. one in charge of a quarry.
QUARTERMASTERquartermaster n. (Military) An officer whose duty is to provide quarters, provisions, storage, clothing, fuel, stationery…
quartermaster n. (Nautical) A petty officer who attends to the helm, binnacle, signals, and the like, under the direction…
quartermaster v. To act as a quartermaster.
QUADRUMVIRATESquadrumvirates n. Plural of quadrumvirate.
QUADRUMVIRATE n. a group of four men acting together in some capacity.
QUARTERMASTERSquartermasters n. Plural of quartermaster.
quarter-masters n. Plural of quarter-master.
QUARTERMASTER n. one in charge of stores.
MICROEARTHQUAKEmicroearthquake n. A very low-intensity earthquake, usually three or less on the Richter scale.
MICROEARTHQUAKE n. an earthquake of low intensity.
QUARTERMISTRESSquartermistress n. A female quartermaster.
QUARTERMISTRESS n. a female quartermaster.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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