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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing M, 2N and 2S

ANAMNESESanamneses n. Plural of anamnesis.
ANAMNESIS n. a recalling to mind; a preliminary case history of a medical or psychiatric patient.
ANAMNESISanamnesis n. The ability to recall past events; recollection.
anamnesis n. (Medicine) The medical history of a patient.
anamnesis n. (Rhetoric) The mention of the past; quotation of exemplary authors from memory to establish one’s authority.
HUMANNESShumanness n. The condition or quality of being human.
HUMANNESS n. the state of being human.
INSOMNIASinsomnias n. Plural of insomnia.
INSOMNIA n. chronic inability to sleep.
MANGINESSmanginess n. The condition of being mangy.
MANGINESS n. the state of being mangy.
MANLINESSmanliness n. The quality of being manly; the set of qualities, traits and abilities considered appropriate to men…
manliness n. (Euphemistic, rare) Male genitals.
manliness n. (Rare) Humanity, the quality of being human.
MANSWORNSMANSWORN n. (archaic) a perjurer.
MINGINESSminginess n. The quality of being mingy.
MINGINESS n. meanness, stinginess.
MISUNIONSmisunions n. Plural of misunion.
MISUNION n. a bad union.
MOONINESSmooniness n. Quality of being moony.
MOONINESS n. the state of being moony.
NIMBYNESSNIMBYNESS n. adherence to the doctrine of 'not in my backyard', also NIMBYISM.
NONMUSICSNONMUSIC n. inferior music.
NONSYSTEMnonsystem n. That which is not a system.
nonsystem adj. Not of or pertaining to a system.
NONSYSTEM n. something that is not part of a system.
SYNODSMANsynodsman n. A member of a church synod.
SYNODSMAN n. a member of a synod, an ecclesiastical assembly or council.
SYNODSMENsynodsmen n. Plural of synodsman.
SYNODSMAN n. a member of a synod, an ecclesiastical assembly or council.
SYNONYMESsynonymes n. Plural of synonyme.
SYNONYME n. a word having the same meaning as another, also SYNONYM.
UNDINISMSUNDINISM n. a preoccupation with water.
UNIONISMSunionisms n. Plural of unionism.
UNIONISM n. the principle of forming a union.
WOMANNESSwomanness n. Quality of being a woman.
WOMANNESS n. the state of being a woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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