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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing M, 3N and O

CINNAMONScinnamons n. Plural of cinnamon.
Cinnamons prop.n. Plural of Cinnamon.
CINNAMON n. the spicy bark of a lauraceous tree of Sri Lanka.
CINNAMONYcinnamony adj. Redolent of cinnamon.
CINNAMONY adj. like cinnamon.
NEONOMIANNeonomian adj. Relating to Neonomianism.
Neonomian n. One who subscribes to Neonomianism.
NEONOMIAN n. one who advocates adherence to new laws; esp. one who holds or believes that the gospel is a new law.
NONANIMALnonanimal adj. That does not derive from an animal.
nonanimal adj. That does not involve animals.
nonanimal n. That which is not an animal.
NONDEMANDnondemand adj. Not being or relating to a demand.
nondemand n. That which is not a demand.
NONDEMAND n. something that is not a demand.
NONHUMANSnonhumans n. Plural of nonhuman.
non-humans n. Plural of non-human.
non-humans n. Alternative spelling of nonhumans.
NONIMMUNEnonimmune adj. (Medicine) Not immune; lacking immunity.
nonimmune adj. (Medicine) Unrelated to the immune system.
NONIMMUNE adj. not immune.
NONMANUALnonmanual adj. Not manual.
NONMANUAL adj. not manual.
NONMENTALnonmental adj. Not mental (concerned with the mind).
NONMENTAL adj. not mental.
NONMODERNnonmodern adj. Having characteristics of past times; not modern.
nonmodern n. One who is not modern.
non-modern adj. Alternative form of nonmodern.
NONMOVINGnonmoving adj. Not moving; stationary; inert.
NONMOVING adj. not moving.
NONMUTANTnonmutant adj. Not mutant.
nonmutant n. A creature that is not a mutant.
NONMUTANT n. one who is not a mutant.
NONNORMALnonnormal adj. (Statistics) Not normal.
NONNORMAL adj. not normal.
NONRANDOMnonrandom adj. Not random; caused or manipulated; arranged.
non-random adj. Alternative form of nonrandom.
NONRANDOM adj. not random.
WOMANNINGwomanning v. Present participle of woman.
WOMAN v. to play the part of a woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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