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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing M, N, R and 2U

ALBURNUMalburnum n. Sapwood; the soft, newer wood in the trunk of a tree found between the bark and the hardened heartwood.
ALBURNUM n. the soft wood between inner bark and heartwood.
CORUNDUMcorundum n. (Mineralogy) An extremely hard mineral, a form of aluminum oxide with the chemical formula Al2O3, that…
CORUNDUM n. (Tamil) a mineral consisting of alumina, varieties including sapphire, ruby, emery.
CURCUMINcurcumin n. (Chemistry) A polyphenol (1E,6E)-1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)hepta-1,6-diene-3,5-dione; a major…
CURCUMIN n. the saffron-yellow colouring matter of turmeric, used esp. in food colouring, also CURCUMINE.
FRENULUMfrenulum n. (Anatomy) A small fold or ridge of tissue that supports or restrains the motion of the part to which…
frenulum n. (Entomology, zootomy) A bristle or row of bristles on the edge of the hindwings of some lepidoptera…
FRENULUM n. (Latin) a connecting fold of membrane, also FRENUM, FRAENUM.
LABURNUMlaburnum n. Any tree of genus Laburnum. They have bright yellow flowers and are poisonous.
Laburnum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – laburnums, the golden chains.
LABURNUM n. a genus of ornamental shrubs.
MOURNFULmournful adj. Filled with grief or sadness; being in a state in which one mourns.
mournful adj. Fit to inspire mourning; tragic.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
MUIRBURNMUIRBURN n. the seasonal burning of heather on moorland to promote new growth, also MOORBURN.
NGULTRUMngultrum n. The official currency of Bhutan, equal to 100 chetrums.
NGULTRUM n. a monetary unit of Bhutan.
NUMEROUSnumerous adj. Indefinitely large numerically, many.
NUMEROUS adj. many.
NUMMULARnummular adj. (Obsolete, rare) Of or relating to coins or money.
nummular adj. (By extension) Flattened with a rounded form, as a disc; coin-shaped.
NUMMULAR adj. shaped like a coin.
SURMOUNTsurmount v. (Transitive) To get over; to overcome.
surmount v. (Transitive) To cap; to sit on top of.
SURMOUNT v. to get over or across.
UNTRUISMuntruism n. Something not true; a false statement.
UNTRUISM n. untrue platitude.
URANIUMSuraniums n. Plural of uranium.
URANIUM n. a radioactive element, also URANIDE.
VIBURNUMviburnum n. Any of many shrubs and trees, of the genus Viburnum, native to the Northern Hemisphere that have showy…
Viburnum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Adoxaceae – the viburnums.
VIBURNUM n. (Latin) a kind of shrub or tree including the guelder-rose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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