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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2M, O, R and U

CHROMIUMchromium n. A chemical element (symbol Cr) with an atomic number of 24: a steely-grey, lustrous, hard and brittle…
Chromium prop.n. (Software) An open source web browser developed by Google.
CHROMIUM n. a metallic element.
COMMUNERcommuner n. One who communes with someone or something.
communer n. (Christianity) One who receives communion.
COMMUNER n. one who communes.
COMMUTERcommuter n. One who commutes (etymology 1).
commuter n. (Transport) A person who regularly travels between two places.
commuter n. (Transport) Normally a short form of commuter rail, commuter train or commuter bus; A transport system…
COREMIUMcoremium n. Synnema.
COREMIUM n. (Latin) an organ of certain fungi.
CRUMMOCKcrummock n. A staff with a crooked head or stem.
crummock n. (Scotland) skirret, a root vegetable.
CRUMMOCK n. (Gaelic) a crook, a stick with a curved head, also CROMACK, CRUMMACK.
DRUMMOCKdrummock n. Alternative form of drammock.
DRUMMOCK n. (Gaelic) a mixture of raw meal and water, also DRAMMOCK, DRAMMACH.
EMPORIUMemporium n. (Also figuratively) A city or region which is a major trading centre; also, a place within a city for…
emporium n. (Also figuratively) A shop that offers a wide variety of goods for sale; a department store; (with a…
emporium n. (Historical) A business set up to enable foreign traders to engage in commerce in a country; a factory…
MOTORIUMmotorium n. (Biology) The part of the nervous organism that is instrumental in the exertion of motor influence.
MOTORIUM n. that part of the nervous system concerned with movement.
MUCKWORMmuckworm n. A larva living in mud or manure.
muckworm n. Someone who gathers wealth through overwork of employees and sordid means; a miser.
MUCKWORM n. a worm found in manure.
MUDROOMSmudrooms n. Plural of mudroom.
mud␣rooms n. Plural of mud room.
MUDROOM n. a room for shedding muddy clothing.
MURIFORMmuriform adj. (Botany) Resembling courses of bricks or stones in squareness and regular arrangement.
MURIFORM adj. with cells arranged like bricks in a wall.
MURKSOMEmurksome adj. Suggestive or indicative of murk; darksome.
MURKSOME adj. murky.
MUSHROOMmushroom n. Any of the fleshy fruiting bodies of fungi typically produced above ground on soil or on their food…
mushroom n. A fungus producing such fruiting bodies.
mushroom n. Champignon or Agaricus bisporus, the mushroom species most commonly used in cooking.
PHORMIUMphormium n. A plant in the genus Phormium, New Zealand flax.
PHORMIUM n. a tall New Zealand evergreen plant of the agave family, with swordlike leaves.
RESUMMONresummon v. To summon again.
RESUMMON v. to summon again.
SUMMONERsummoner n. One who summons or evokes, particularly in legal contexts.
summoner n. (Historical) An apparitor; An officer of an ecclesiastical court whose job it was to deliver a summons…
summoner n. A small bell for summoning an employee to provide service.
SUPERMOMsupermom n. (US, informal) A mother who looks after her home and children whilst being in full-time employment.
SUPERMOM n. a superior mother.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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