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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2M, O, R and T

COMMUTERcommuter n. One who commutes (etymology 1).
commuter n. (Transport) A person who regularly travels between two places.
commuter n. (Transport) Normally a short form of commuter rail, commuter train or commuter bus; A transport system…
GROMMETSgrommets n. Plural of grommet.
GROMMET v. to fit with grommets.
IMMORTALimmortal adj. Not susceptible to death; living forever; never dying.
immortal adj. Never to be forgotten; that merits being always remembered.
immortal adj. Connected with or relating to immortality.
MALTWORMmaltworm n. A tippler; a drinker of alcohol.
MALTWORM n. (Shakespeare) a lover of malted liquids, a tippler.
MARMOSETmarmoset n. A small monkey, now specifically a Central and South American monkey of the genera Callithrix, Mico…
marmoset n. (Obsolete) A hideous figure; a grotesque.
marmoset n. (Derogatory, now rare) An unappealing or foolish man.
MORTMAINmortmain n. (Law) The perpetual, inalienable possession of lands by a corporation or non-personal entity such as a church.
mortmain n. (Literary) A strong and inalienable possession.
MORTMAIN n. (French) the perpetual ownership of property by institutions such as churches.
MOTORDOMmotordom n. The realm or sphere of motor cars; motoring generally.
MOTORDOM n. the motor vehicle industry.
MOTORIUMmotorium n. (Biology) The part of the nervous organism that is instrumental in the exertion of motor influence.
MOTORIUM n. that part of the nervous system concerned with movement.
MOTORMANmotorman n. (Dated) A man who controls a motor.
motorman n. A person who operates a motor vehicle.
motorman n. (India) A train driver.
MOTORMENmotormen n. Plural of motorman.
MOTORMAN n. one who operates an electric streetcar or subway train.
OHMMETERohmmeter n. (Physics) A portable device for measuring relatively small values of electrical resistance.
OHMMETER n. an instrument for measuring ohmage.
RECOMMITrecommit v. Commit again.
RECOMMIT v. to commit again.
ROOMMATEroommate n. A person with whom one shares a room, as at university, etc.
roommate n. (US, Australia, Canada) A person sharing the same home (but generally not a family member or spouse).
roommate n. (LGBT slang, humorous, ironic) A same-sex significant other with whom one lives; a coinhabitant in a…
TOMMYROTtommyrot n. Nonsense, rot.
tommy-rot n. Alternative form of tommyrot.
TOMMYROT n. nonsense.
TOMOGRAMtomogram n. A two-dimensional image produced by tomography, representing a slice or section through a three-dimensional object.
TOMOGRAM n. a photograph made with X rays.
TROMMELStrommels n. Plural of trommel.
TROMMEL n. (German) a revolving sieve for cleaning or sizing minerals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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