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There are 8 seven-letter words containing M, R, T and 2U

FRUSTUMfrustum n. A cone or pyramid whose tip has been truncated by a plane parallel to its base.
frustum n. A portion of a sphere, or in general any solid, delimited by two parallel planes.
FRUSTUM n. (Latin) a cone with its top cut of.
LUSTRUMlustrum n. (Historical) A lustration: a ceremonial purification of the people of Rome performed every five years…
lustrum n. (By extension, literary) Synonym of quinquennium: Any 5-year period.
LUSTRUM n. (Latin) a period of five years.
MULTUREmulture n. A grinding of grain, or the grain that is ground.
multure n. (Scotland, historical) A toll paid to a miller, mill-owner etc., generally in kind, for grinding corn…
multure v. (Scotland, historical, transitive) To charge a multure on.
MUTULARmutular adj. (Architecture) Having or relating to mutules.
MUTULAR adj. relating to a mutule, a kind of square, flat bracket, in Doric architecture.
TRIDUUMtriduum n. A period of three days (especially in Roman Catholic liturgy).
TRIDUUM n. (Latin) a period of three days of prayer preceding Roman Catholic feasts.
TRUMEAUtrumeau n. (Architecture) The pillar or center post supporting the lintel in the middle of a doorway or window…
trumeau n. A trumeau mirror.
TRUMEAU n. (French) a column supporting part of a doorway.
TUMOURStumours n. Plural of tumour.
TUMOUR n. an abnormal swelling or enlargement, now esp. a new growth of cells in the body without inflammation, also TUMOR.
TUMULARtumular adj. Consisting of a heap; formed or being in a heap or hillock.
TUMULAR adj. of or like a tumulus, also TUMULARY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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