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There are 18 seven-letter words containing M, O, P, S and U

IMPIOUSimpious adj. Not pious.
impious adj. Lacking reverence or respect, especially towards a god.
IMPIOUS adj. not pious.
MOCKUPSmockups n. Plural of mockup.
mock-ups n. Plural of mock-up.
MOCKUP n. a full-sized model.
MOPUSESmopuses n. Plural of mopus.
MOPUS n. (slang) a small coin, also MAWPUS.
OPOSSUMopossum n. Any American marsupial of the family Didelphidae. The common species of the United States is Didelphis virginiana.
OPOSSUM n. (Native American) any of various small or medium-sized marsupial mammals, mostly arboreal.
PLUMOSEplumose adj. Having feathers or plumes.
plumose adj. Having hairs, or other parts, arranged along an axis like a feather.
PLUMOSE adj. having feathers or plumes, also PLUMATE, PLUMOUS.
PLUMOUSplumous adj. Alternative form of plumose.
PLUMOUS adj. having feathers or plumes, also PLUMATE, PLUMOSE.
PODIUMSpodiums n. Plural of podium.
PODIUM n. (Latin) a low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure, or a terrace wall.
POMPOUSpompous adj. Affectedly grand, solemn or self-important.
POMPOUS adj. infused with exaggerated self-importance.
POSSUMSpossums n. Plural of possum.
POSSUM v. to feign ignorance (i.e. to play possum).
PUMELOSpumelos n. Plural of pumelo.
RUMPOTSrumpots n. Plural of rumpot.
RUMPOT n. an alcoholic.
SPODIUMspodium n. Bone charcoal, used as bleaching material or in the purification of sugar.
SPODIUM n. (Greek) bone charcoal; powder obtained from calcination of substances.
SPUMONEspumone n. Alternative form of spumoni.
SPUMONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy, also SPUMONI.
SPUMONIspumoni n. (US) An Italian style of ice cream dessert made with layers of different colors and flavors (typically…
SPUMONI n. (Italian) a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy, also SPUMONE.
SPUMOUSspumous adj. Frothy or foamy; spumy.
SPUMOUS adj. spumy, full of spume.
SUPREMOsupremo n. (Informal) The most important person in an organization.
SUPREMO n. (Spanish) a supreme head, a leader with unlimited powers.
UPCOMESupcomes n. Plural of upcome.
upcomes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upcome.
UPCOME n. produce, outcome.
UTOPISMutopism n. Utopianism.
UTOPISM n. the ideals or principles of a utopian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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