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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2M, O, S and T

ATOMISMatomism n. (Philosophy) The ancient Greek theory that all matter is composed of very small indestructible and indivisible…
atomism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that society arises from individuals and that larger structures are unimportant.
ATOMISM n. the theory that atoms arranged themselves in the universe.
COMMITScommits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of commit.
commits n. Plural of commit.
COMMIT v. to perpetrate.
COMMOTSCOMMOT n. an early English land division, also COMMOTE.
MADTOMSmadtoms n. Plural of madtom.
MADTOM n. a North American catfish.
MARMOTSmarmots n. Plural of marmot.
MARMOT n. a kind of burrowing rodent.
MESTOMEmestome n. The conducting tissue, comprising leptome and hadrome, associated with the parenchyma of an organ.
MESTOME n. biological conducting tissue, also MESTOM.
MESTOMSMESTOM n. biological conducting tissue, also MESTOME.
MIDMOSTmidmost adj. In the exact middle, or nearest to the exact middle; middlemost.
MIDMOST n. a part exactly in the middle, also MIDDLEMOST.
MOMENTSmoments n. Plural of moment.
moments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of moment.
Moments prop.n. Plural of Moment.
MOMMETSmommets n. Plural of mommet.
MOMMET n. a puppet; a doll, also MAMMET, MAUMET, MAWMET.
MONTEMSmontems n. Plural of montem.
MONTEM n. (Latin) a custom, formerly practised by the scholars at Eton, of going every third year, on Whit Tuesday, to a hillock near the Bath road, and exacting money from passersby, to support at the university the senior scholar of the school.
MOTMOTSmotmots n. Plural of motmot.
MOTMOT n. (Spanish) any of several mainly insectivorous passerine birds of the neotropic family Momotidae.
STEPMOMstepmom n. (US, informal) Stepmother.
STEPMOM n. (colloquial) a stepmother.
STOMIUMstomium n. (Botany) The region of a sporangium where dehiscence takes place.
STOMIUM n. a pollen cell which splits open to scatter pollen.
SYMPTOMsymptom n. (Medicine) A perceived change in some function, sensation or appearance of a person that indicates a…
symptom n. (Figuratively) A signal; anything that indicates, or is characteristic of, the presence of something…
SYMPTOM n. a subjective indication of a disease.
TOMMIEStommies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tommy.
Tommies n. Plural of Tommie.
Tommies n. Plural of Tommy.
WOMMITSWOMMIT n. (English dialect) a foolish person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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