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There are 9 seven-letter words containing 2M, N and 2O

COMMONScommons n. Plural of common.
commons n. A dining hall, usually at a college or university.
commons n. A central section of (usually an older) town, designated as a shared area, a common.
HOMONYMhomonym n. (Semantics, strict sense) A word that both sounds and is spelled the same as another word.
homonym n. (Loosely) A word that sounds or is spelled the same as another word (but not necessarily both), technically…
homonym n. (Taxonomy) A name for a taxon that is identical in spelling to another name that belongs to a different taxon.
MOMENTOmomento n. Misspelling of memento.
MOMENTO n. something kept or given as a reminder, also MEMENTO.
MONOMERmonomer n. (Chemistry) A relatively small molecule which can be covalently bonded to other monomers to form a polymer.
MONOMER n. the simplest of any series of compounds having the same empirical formula.
MONONYMmononym n. A single name by which a person, thing, etc., is known.
mononym n. A single term for a thing or concept, allowing for no synonyms.
MONONYM n. a person who is famous enough to be known by only one name, usually the first name.
MOORMANmoorman n. A man who lives on or around the moors.
Moorman n. A Moor.
Moorman prop.n. A surname.
MOORMENmoormen n. Plural of moorman.
Moormen n. Plural of Moorman.
MOORMAN n. an inhabitant of a moor.
MOOTMANmootman n. (Law, UK, obsolete) One who argued moot cases in the inns of court.
MOOTMAN n. a law student who argues in moots.
MOOTMENmootmen n. Plural of mootman.
MOOTMAN n. a law student who argues in moots.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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