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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing M, O, R, S and T

METROSmetros n. Plural of metro.
métros n. Plural of métro.
METRO n. an urban railway system running wholly or partly underground.
MORATSMORAT n. a drink made of honey and flavoured with mulberries.
MOTORSmotors n. Plural of motor.
motors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of motor.
MOTOR v. to travel by automobile.
MOTSERmotser n. (Australia, slang) Alternative form of motza (“a lot of money”).
MOTSER n. (Australian slang) a large amount of money, esp. a gambling win, also MOTZA.
STORMSstorms n. Plural of storm.
storms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of storm.
Storms prop.n. A surname.
STORMYstormy adj. Of or pertaining to storms.
stormy adj. Characterized by, or proceeding from, a storm; subject to storms; agitated with strong winds and heavy rain.
stormy adj. Proceeding from violent agitation or fury.
STROAMstroam v. (UK, dialect, obsolete) To wander about idly and vacantly.
stroam v. (UK, dialect, obsolete) To take long strides in walking.
STROAM v. to wander about idly and vacantly.
STROMAstroma n. (Anatomy) The tissue structure of an organ, etc., that serves to support it.
Stroma prop.n. An island off the north coast of Scotland, uninhabited since the 1960s.
STROMA n. (Latin) a supporting framework of connecting tissue.
STROMBstromb n. (Zoology) Any marine univalve mollusk of Strombus and allied genera.
STROMB n. a very large gastropod related to the whelk, also STROMBUS.
TROMPStromps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tromp.
TROMP v. to apply heavy foot pressure to something; to tread heavily.
TUMORStumors n. Plural of tumor.
TUMOR n. (US) an abnormal swelling or enlargement, now esp. a new growth of cells in the body without inflammation, also TUMOUR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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