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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing M, 2N, U and V

CONSUMPTIVENESSconsumptiveness n. The state of being consumptive.
CONSUMPTIVENESS n. the state of being consumptive.
COUNTERMOVEMENTcountermovement n. A movement in opposition, or retaliation to another.
COUNTERMOVEMENT n. an opposing movement.
INCOMMUNICATIVEincommunicative adj. Uncommunicative.
INCOMMUNICATIVE adj. not communicative, also UNCOMMUNICATIVE.
MISGOVERNAUNCESmisgovernaunces n. Plural of misgovernaunce.
MISGOVERNAUNCE n. (Spenser) misgovernment, also MISGOVERNANCE.
OVERCONSUMPTIONoverconsumption n. Excessive consumption.
over-consumption n. An excessive level of consumption.
OVERCONSUMPTION n. excessive consumption.
OVERDOCUMENTINGoverdocumenting v. Present participle of overdocument.
OVERDOCUMENT v. to document to excess.
OVERNOURISHMENTovernourishment n. Excessive nourishment.
SUPERGOVERNMENTsupergovernment n. A government formed from the union of multiple lesser governments.
SUPERGOVERNMENT n. government above other governments.
UNCOMBATIVENESSuncombativeness n. The quality of being uncombative.
UNCOMMUNICATIVEuncommunicative adj. Tending not to communicate; not communicating.
UNCOMMUNICATIVE adj. not disposed to talk or impart information, also INCOMMUNICATIVE.
UNCOMPREHENSIVEuncomprehensive adj. (Archaic) Unable to comprehend.
uncomprehensive adj. (Obsolete) incomprehensible.
UNCOMPREHENSIVE adj. not comprehensive.
UNDEMONSTRATIVEundemonstrative adj. Not given to showing emotion or feelings; reserved or distant.
UNDEMONSTRATIVE adj. restrained in expression of feeling.
UNDERINVESTMENTunderinvestment n. An insufficient investment.
UNDERINVESTMENT n. an insufficient amount of investment.
UNIMAGINATIVELYunimaginatively adv. Done in a unimaginative manner; not creatively.
UNIMAGINATIVE adv. not imaginative.
UNINFORMATIVELYuninformatively adv. In a way that is not informative.
UNINFORMATIVE adv. not informative.
VENTURESOMENESSventuresomeness n. The degree or quality of being venturesome.
VENTURESOMENESS n. the state of being venturesome.
VERMINOUSNESSESVERMINOUSNESS n. the state of being verminous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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