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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing M, 3T and U

AUTOMATICITYautomaticity n. The ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low level details required.
automaticity n. (Medicine) The ability of the heart muscles to contract independently of each other when separated or…
automaticity n. The process of one thing automatically following another.
COTTONMOUTHScottonmouths n. Plural of cottonmouth.
COTTONMOUTH n. a venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern US.
CURETTEMENTScurettements n. Plural of curettement.
CURETTEMENT n. the act of curetting.
ENTRUSTMENTSentrustments n. Plural of entrustment.
ENTRUSTMENT n. the act of entrusting.
INTRUSTMENTSINTRUSTMENT n. the act of intrusting.
METATUNGSTICMETATUNGSTIC adj. as in metatungstic acid, an acid of tungsten.
MISATTRIBUTEmisattribute v. To erroneously attribute; to falsely ascribe; used especially of authorship.
MISATTRIBUTE v. to attribute wrongly.
MULTICOSTATEmulticostate adj. Having multiple ribs.
MULTICOSTATE adj. having many ribs.
MULTIDENTATEmultidentate adj. (Biology) Having many teeth.
multidentate adj. (Chemistry, of a ligand) Having multiple points at which it is attached to a central atom.
MULTIDENTATE adj. having many teeth.
MULTIPARTITEmultipartite adj. Divided into multiple parts.
multipartite adj. Involving multiple nations; multilateral.
multipartite adj. (Physics) Describing a system of three or more entangled quantum states.
MULTISEPTATEmultiseptate adj. Having more than one septum.
MULTISEPTATE adj. having many septa.
MULTIUTILITYmultiutility n. A utility company providing multiple types of service, such as both gas and electricity.
MULTIUTILITY n. a public utility that provides more than one essential service, such as gas and electricity.
MUNITIONETTEmunitionette n. (UK, colloquial, now historical) A female worker in a munitions factory, especially during the First World War.
MUNITIONETTE n. (obsolete) a female munitions worker.
MUTATIONISTSmutationists n. Plural of mutationist.
MUTATIONIST n. a believer in evolution by mutation.
MUTTERATIONSmutterations n. Plural of mutteration.
MUTTERATION n. (Richardson) complaining.
STEATOMATOUSsteatomatous adj. (Medicine) Of the nature of steatoma.
STEATOMATOUS adj. relating to a steatoma, a tumour of the sebaceous gland.
TERATOMATOUSteratomatous adj. Relating to a teratoma.
TERATOMATOUS adj. of or like a teratoma.
TUMULTUATINGtumultuating v. Present participle of tumultuate.
TUMULTUATE v. (archaic) to make a tumult.
TUMULTUATIONtumultuation n. (Obsolete) Irregular or disorderly movement; commotion.
TUMULTUATION n. (archaic) a tumult.
UNSETTLEMENTunsettlement n. The quality of being unsettled; upset or unrest.
unsettlement n. A illegal or unofficial settlement, or community of people living together.
UNSETTLEMENT n. an act, process, or instance of unsettling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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