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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing M, R, 2S and X

EXOTERICISMSEXOTERICISM n. the state of being exoteric.
EXPROMISSIONexpromission n. (Law) The intervention of a new debtor, substituted for the former one, who is consequently discharged…
EXPROMISSION n. relieving another person's debt by taking it upon oneself.
EXPROMISSORSexpromissors n. Plural of expromissor.
EXPROMISSOR n. a person relieving another of debt by taking it upon himself.
EXTEMPORISESextemporises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extemporise.
EXTEMPORISE v. to perform without preparation or practice; to improvise, also EXTEMPORIZE.
EXTERNALISMSexternalisms n. Plural of externalism.
EXTERNALISM n. undue regard to mere externals or nonessential outward forms, esp. of religion.
HETEROSEXISMheterosexism n. The assumption made when relating to others that everyone is heterosexual.
heterosexism n. Discrimination or prejudice in favor of heterosexuals.
HETEROSEXISM n. the belief that homosexuality is a perversion.
HEXAMETRISESHEXAMETRISE v. to put into hexameters, also HEXAMETRIZE.
HEXAMETRISTShexametrists n. Plural of hexametrist.
HEXAMETRIST n. a writer of hexameters.
MESOTHORAXESmesothoraxes n. Plural of mesothorax.
MESOTHORAX n. the middle segment of the thorax in insects.
METROSEXUALSmetrosexuals n. Plural of metrosexual.
METROSEXUAL n. a heterosexual man who spends a lot of time and money on his appearance and likes to shop.
TAXIDERMISTStaxidermists n. Plural of taxidermist.
TAXIDERMIST n. one who practises taxidermy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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