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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing M, 2O, P and Z

AZOOSPERMIASazoospermias n. Plural of azoospermia.
AZOOSPERMIA n. absence of spermatozoa from the seminal fluid.
CONTEMPORIZEcontemporize v. To bring up to date; often specifically to set a historical narrative in a modern context.
contemporize v. (Marketing) To modify, repackage, or present a well-known or traditional product or brand in a way that…
CONTEMPORIZE v. to make contemporary, also CONTEMPORISE.
COPOLYMERIZEcopolymerize v. (Chemistry) To polymerize so as to form a copolymer.
COPOLYMERIZE v. to make into a copolymer, also COPOLYMERISE.
MONOPOLIZERSmonopolizers n. Plural of monopolizer.
MONOPOLIZER n. one who monopolizes, also MONOPOLISER.
MONOPOLIZINGmonopolizing v. Present participle of monopolize.
MONOPOLIZE v. to get a monopoly of, also MONOPOLISE.
OPTIMIZATIONoptimization n. The design and operation of a system or process to make it as good as possible in some defined sense.
optimization n. (Programming) The reduction of a program or algorithm to its most efficient form, as during compilation…
OPTIMIZATION n. the act of optimizing, also OPTIMISATION.
PHLEBOTOMIZEphlebotomize v. (Transitive) To perform a phlebotomy on (a vein): to open (a vein) to withdraw or let blood.
phlebotomize v. (Transitive) To perform a phlebotomy on (a person): to open a vein of (a person) to withdraw or let blood.
phlebotomize v. (Intransitive) To perform a phlebotomy; to open a vein to withdraw or let blood.
SPERMATOZOALspermatozoal adj. Of or pertaining to spermatozoa.
SPERMATOZOAL adj. of or like a spermatozoon, a male sexual cell, which fertilises the egg.
SPERMATOZOANspermatozoan adj. Of or pertaining to spermatozoa.
spermatozoan n. A spermatozoon.
SPERMATOZOAN n. a male sex cell, also SPERMATOZOON.
SPERMATOZOICspermatozoic adj. (Cytology) Of or pertaining to spermatozoa; of the nature of spermatozoa.
SPERMATOZOIC adj. of or like a spermatozoon, a male sex cell.
SPERMATOZOIDspermatozoid n. (Biology) A motile, ciliated male gamete produced in the antheridium of an alga, fern or gymnosperm.
SPERMATOZOID n. a motile male gamete of a plant usually produced in an antheridium.
SPERMATOZOONspermatozoon n. (Cytology) A reproductive cell or gamete of a male, carried in semen, that fertilizes an ovum to produce a zygote.
spermatozoön n. Alternative spelling of spermatozoon.
SPERMATOZOON n. a male sexual cell, which fertilises the egg, also SPERMATOZOAN.
ZOOMORPHISMSzoomorphisms n. Plural of zoomorphism.
zoömorphisms n. Plural of zoömorphism.
ZOOMORPHISM n. the conception of a god or man in animal form, also ZOOMORPHY.
ZOOSPERMATICZOOSPERMATIC adj. of or like a zoosperm.
ZYGOMORPHIESZYGOMORPHY n. the state of having flowers symmetrical about one axis.
ZYGOMORPHISMzygomorphism n. Bilateral symmetry in flowers.
ZYGOMORPHISM n. the state of being zygomorphic, bilaterally symmetrical.
ZYGOMORPHOUSzygomorphous adj. Zygomorphic.
ZYGOMORPHOUS adj. bilaterally symmetrical, also ZYGOMORPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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