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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 2M, O and 2U

AUTOIMMUNITYautoimmunity n. (Pathology, immunology) The condition where one’s immune system attacks one’s own tissues, i.e., an…
AUTOIMMUNITY n. the production by a living body of antibodies which attack constituents of its own tissues, the cause of certain serious disease.
COLUMBARIUMScolumbariums n. Plural of columbarium.
CUMULONIMBUScumulonimbus n. (Meteorology) A cloud, with a tall structure and a flat base, that is often associated with thunderstorms.
cumulo-nimbus n. Alternative form of cumulonimbus.
CUMULONIMBUS n. a type of cloud.
CUPRAMMONIUMcuprammonium n. (Inorganic chemistry) Synonym of cuproammonium.
CUPRAMMONIUM n. a solution of cupric hydroxide in ammonia.
MULTICOLUMNSSorry, definition not available.
MULTIVOLUMESSorry, definition not available.
MURMURATIONSmurmurations n. Plural of murmuration.
MURMURATION n. murmuring.
NONALUMINIUMnonaluminium adj. (British spelling) Alternative form of nonaluminum.
NONALUMINIUM adj. not made of aluminium, also NONALUMINUM.
NUMMULATIONSnummulations n. Plural of nummulation.
NUMMULATION n. the arrangement of blood corpuscles in rouleaus.
RUMOURMONGERrumourmonger n. Alternative spelling of rumormonger.
rumourmonger v. Alternative spelling of rumormonger.
SUBCOMMUNITYsubcommunity n. A community that exists as part of a larger community.
SUBCOMMUNITY n. a distinct grouping within a community.
SUMMERHOUSESsummerhouses n. Plural of summerhouse.
summer-houses n. Plural of summer-house.
summer␣houses n. Plural of summer house.
VERUMONTANUMverumontanum n. (Anatomy) An elevation or crest in the wall of the urethra where the seminal ducts enter it.
VERUMONTANUM n. a ridge on the male urethra where the duct conveying prostatic fluid, sperm and other fluids enters it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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