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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing M, S, 2T and W

BESTOWMENTbestowment n. The act of bestowing or conferring something, especially an honour; bestowal.
bestowment n. Something, such as an honour, that is bestowed.
BESTOWMENT n. the act of giving or bestowing.
MASTERWORTmasterwort n. Peucedanum ostruthium, an umbelliferous plant grown in gardens, formerly much used for medicinal purposes.
masterwort n. Astrantia spp., such as the great masterwort.
masterwort n. Ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria).
MELTWATERSmeltwaters n. Plural of meltwater.
MELTWATER n. the water that runs off from snowfields or glaciers.
MICROWATTSmicrowatts n. Plural of microwatt.
micro-watts n. Plural of micro-watt.
MICROWATT n. a millionth of a watt.
MILLIWATTSmilliwatts n. Plural of milliwatt.
MILLIWATT n. one thousandth of a watt.
MISWRITTENmiswritten v. Past participle of miswrite.
MISWRITE v. to write incorrectly.
MITERWORTSmiterworts n. Plural of miterwort.
MITERWORT n. a slender, perennial herb with a pod slightly resembling a bishop's miter, also MITREWORT.
MITREWORTSmitreworts n. Plural of mitrewort.
MITREWORT n. a slender, perennial herb with a pod slightly resembling a bishop's miter, also MITERWORT.
SMARTWATCHsmartwatch n. A wristwatch with electronic functionality beyond timekeeping. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
smartwatch n. A mobile device worn on the wrist with a touchscreen display.
SMARTWATCH n. an electronic wristwatch that is able to perform many of the functions of a smartphone or tablet computer.
STORMWATERstormwater n. Water that is not absorbed into soil and rapidly flows downstream, increasing the level of waterways.
STREWMENTSstrewments n. (Obsolete) strewings; flowers strewn on a coffin.
STREWMENT n. (Shakespeare) strewings.
STUNTWOMANstuntwoman n. A woman who performs stunts.
stunt␣woman n. Alternative form of stuntwoman.
STUNTWOMAN n. a woman who doubles for an actress during the filming of stunts and dangerous scenes.
STUNTWOMENstuntwomen n. Plural of stuntwoman.
stunt␣women n. Plural of stunt woman.
STUNTWOMAN n. a woman who doubles for an actress during the filming of stunts and dangerous scenes.
SWEETMEATSsweetmeats n. Plural of sweetmeat.
SWEETMEAT n. any concoction made mainly or wholly with sugar.
WATERSMEETwatersmeet n. (Dated) A confluence of two rivers.
WATERSMEET n. the confluence of two streams.
WATTMETERSwattmeters n. Plural of wattmeter.
WATTMETER n. an instrument for measuring electrical power.
WHITESMITHwhitesmith n. A person who forges things out of tin or pewter; a tinsmith.
whitesmith n. A worker in iron who finishes or polishes the work, in distinction from one who forges it.
WHITESMITH n. one who works in tinned or galvanized iron, or white iron.
WITTICISMSwitticisms n. Plural of witticism.
WITTICISM n. a witty remark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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