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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing M, N, T, U and V

AVOUCHMENTavouchment n. The act of avouching.
avouchment n. A positive declaration.
AVOUCHMENT n. (archaic) the act of avouching; positive declaration.
CENTUMVIRIcentumviri n. Plural of centumvir.
CENTUMVIR n. (Latin) in Rome, one of a court of about one hundred judges chosen to try civil suits.
CENTUMVIRScentumvirs n. Plural of centumvir.
CENTUMVIR n. (Latin) in Rome, one of a court of about one hundred judges chosen to try civil suits.
CIRCUMVENTcircumvent v. (Transitive) to avoid or get around something; to bypass.
circumvent v. (Transitive) to surround or besiege.
circumvent v. (Transitive) to outwit or outsmart.
COVERMOUNTcovermount n. A freebie, such as a compact disc, mounted on the cover of a magazine.
covermount v. (Transitive) To give away; to release for free, attached to the cover of a magazine.
COVERMOUNT v. to attach an item to the front of a magazine as a gift.
DEVOURMENTdevourment n. The act of devouring something.
DEVOURMENT n. the act of devouring.
DIMINUTIVEdiminutive adj. Very small.
diminutive adj. (Obsolete) Serving to diminish.
diminutive adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to, or creating a word form expressing smallness, youth, unimportance, or endearment.
MISVENTUREmisventure n. (Archaic) misadventure.
MISVENTURE n. a misadventure, also MISADVENTURE.
MOUVEMENTEmouvementé adj. Animated, agitated, bustling, full of variety.
mouvementé adj. (Of music) lively.
MOUVEMENTE adj. (French) full of movement, lively.
NUMERATIVEnumerative adj. Of or pertaining to numeration.
NUMERATIVE adj. relating to numeration.
OUTVENOMEDoutvenomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outvenom.
OUTVENOM v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in venom.
OVERMOUNTSovermounts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overmount.
overmounts n. Plural of overmount.
OVERMOUNT v. to rise above.
RUMINATIVEruminative adj. Causing rumination or prone to it; thoughtful.
RUMINATIVE adj. tending to ruminate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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