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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing M, 3N and U

ANNULMENTSannulments n. Plural of annulment.
ANNULMENT n. the act of annulling.
ENLUMININGenlumining v. Present participle of enlumine.
ENLUMINE v. (Spenser) to throw light upon, also ILLUMINE.
INURNMENTSinurnments n. Plural of inurnment.
INURNMENT n. the act of inurning, putting into an urn.
MANNEQUINSmannequins n. Plural of mannequin.
MANNEQUIN n. a dummy for the display of clothes etc., also MANIKIN, MANNIKIN.
NONMUTANTSnonmutants n. Plural of nonmutant.
NONMUTANT n. one who is not a mutant.
NONUNIFORMnonuniform adj. Not uniform.
nonuniform adj. (Of a flow) Not having the same instantaneous velocity at all points.
nonuniform adj. (Of a polymer) Composed of macromolecular species of differing molar masses.
OUTMANNINGoutmanning v. Present participle of outman.
OUTMAN v. to surpass in manpower.
UNFEMININEunfeminine adj. Not feminine; not characteristic of, typical of, or appropriate for a woman.
UNFEMININE adj. not feminine.
UNMANNEREDunmannered adj. Having poor manners or social skills; ill-mannered; rude.
UNMANNERED adj. marked by a lack of good manners.
UNMANNERLYunmannerly adj. (Also figuratively) Not mannerly (“polite; having good manners”).
unmannerly adv. (Archaic) In a way that is not mannerly; discourteously, rudely.
UNMANNERLY adj. not mannerly.
UNMANTLINGunmantling v. Present participle of unmantle.
UNMANTLE v. to remove the mantle from.
UNMINGLINGunmingling v. Present participle of unmingle.
UNMINGLE v. to separate things that are mixed.
UNMOUNTINGunmounting v. Present participle of unmount.
UNMOUNT v. to dismount.
UNUNUNIUMSUNUNUNIUM n. a chemical element.
UNWOMANINGunwomaning v. Present participle of unwoman.
UNWOMAN v. to make unwomanly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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