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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2M, N, O and P

COMPENDIUMcompendium n. A short, complete summary; an abstract.
compendium n. A list or collection of various items.
COMPENDIUM n. (Latin) an assortment, a varied collection.
COMPLEMENTcomplement n. (Now rare) Something (or someone) that completes; the consummation.
complement n. (Obsolete) The act of completing something, or the fact of being complete; completion, completeness, fulfilment.
complement n. The totality, the full amount or number which completes something.
COMPLIMENTcompliment n. An expression of praise, congratulation, or respect.
compliment n. (Uncountable) Complimentary language; courtesy, flattery.
compliment n. Misspelling of complement.
EMPLOYMENTemployment n. The work or occupation for which one is used, and often paid.
employment n. The act of employing.
employment n. A use, purpose.
GYMNOSPERMgymnosperm n. (Botany) Any plant such as a conifer whose seeds are not enclosed in an ovary.
GYMNOSPERM n. a plant with the ovules borne naked or unprotected, the conifers or cone-bearing plants and their allies.
MAPPEMONDSmappemonds n. Plural of mappemond.
MAPPEMOND n. a map of the world.
MOMPRENEURmompreneur n. (North America) Alternative form of mumpreneur.
MOMPRENEUR n. a woman who combines running a business enterprise with looking after her children, also MUMPRENEUR.
MONOPODIUMmonopodium n. (Botany) A single and continuous vegetable axis; opposed to sympodium.
MONOPODIUM n. a stem in which the growth is continued from year to year by the same growing point.
MONOPOLISMmonopolism n. Any doctrine supporting a monopoly.
MONOPOLISM n. the practice of operating monopolies.
MORPHINISMmorphinism n. Morphine addiction.
morphinism n. Disease caused by excessive usage of morphine.
MORPHINISM n. a morbid condition produced by the excessive or prolonged use of morphine.
PANCOSMISMpancosmism n. (Philosophy) The belief that nothing exists except the physical and temporal universe.
PANCOSMISM n. the theory that the material universe is all that exists.
PANTOMIMEDpantomimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pantomime.
PANTOMIME v. to portray or communicate by exaggerated silent gestures or expressions.
PANTOMIMESpantomimes n. Plural of pantomime.
pantomimes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pantomime.
PANTOMIME v. to portray or communicate by exaggerated silent gestures or expressions.
PANTOMIMICpantomimic adj. Of or relating to pantomime.
PANTOMIMIC adj. like a pantomime, also PANTOMIMICAL.
PERSIMMONSpersimmons n. Plural of persimmon.
PERSIMMON n. a kind of plumlike fruit.
PNEUMOGRAMpneumogram n. (Medicine) A record (often overnight) of the respiratory movements of a subject by the use of pneumography.
PNEUMOGRAM n. an X-ray photograph made by a pneumograph.
POLEMONIUMpolemonium n. Any of the genus Polemonium of gamopetalous perennial herbs.
Polemonium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Polemoniaceae – Jacob’s ladder and related flowering plants.
POLEMONIUM n. a genus of gamopetalous perennial herbs, including the Jacob's ladder and the Greek valerian.
POMATUMINGpomatuming v. Present participle of pomatum.
POMATUM v. to apply a kind of ointment to the hair, also POMADE.
POMMELLINGpommelling v. Present participle of pommel.
POMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also PUMMEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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