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There are 20 nine-letter words containing M, 2P and Y

EMPANOPLYempanoply v. (Transitive, Britain, military, historical, also figuratively) To dress in a full suit of armour; to panoply.
EMPANOPLY v. to clothe in full armor.
HIPPYDOMSHIPPYDOM n. the world of the hippy, also HIPPIEDOM.
HYPOMORPHhypomorph n. (Genetics) a mutation that causes a partial loss of gene function.
HYPOMORPH n. a mutant gene but having a similar but weaker effect than the corresponding wild-type gene.
MAYAPPLESmayapples n. Plural of mayapple.
May␣apples n. Plural of May apple.
MAYAPPLE n. an American plant, the egg-shaped fruit of this.
MAYHAPPENmayhappen adv. (Obsolete or dialect) maybe, perhaps.
MAYHAPPEN adv. perhaps, also MAYHAP.
MILKSOPPYmilksoppy adj. Weak; timid; ineffectual.
MILKSOPPY adj. like a milksop, a spiritless man or youth, also MILKSOPPING.
PAMPHREYSPAMPHREY n. (Irish) a cabbage.
PANSPERMYpanspermy n. (Biology) The doctrine of the widespread distribution of germs, from which under favorable circumstances…
panspermy n. (Biology) The doctrine that all organisms must come from living parents; biogenesis.
PANSPERMY n. the theory that life could be diffused through the universe by means of germs carried by meteorites, also PANSPERMATISM, PANSPERMIA, PANSPERMISM.
PARANYMPHparanymph n. (Archaic) A friend of the bridegroom; a best man; a bridesmaid.
paranymph n. (Archaic) An ally or spokesman; someone who speaks in support of someone else.
PARANYMPH n. (historical) a best man or bridesmaid.
PERILYMPHperilymph n. An extracellular fluid found in the scala tympani and scala vestibuli of the cochlea.
PERILYMPH n. the fluid surrounding the membranous labyrinth of the ear.
POLYMORPHpolymorph n. (Biology) Any organism that shows polymorphism.
polymorph n. (Chemistry, geology) Any substance or mineral that forms different types of crystal.
polymorph n. (Transitive, fiction) The transformation of an item or creature into something different by magic.
POLYPIDOMpolypidom n. (Obsolete) polyparium.
POLYPIDOM n. a coral, or corallum; also, one of the coral-like structure made by bryozoans and hydroids.
POMPEYINGPOMPEY v. (Dickens) to pamper.
POMPHOLYXpompholyx n. (Medicine) dyshidrosis.
pompholyx n. (Chemistry, obsolete) impure zinc oxide.
POMPHOLYX n. (Greek) a vesicular eruption or eczema chiefly on the palms and soles.
POMPOSITYpomposity n. The quality of being pompous; self-importance.
POMPOSITY n. the state of being pompous.
POMPOUSLYpompously adv. In a pompous manner.
POMPOUS adv. infused with exaggerated self-importance.
PUPPYDOMSPUPPYDOM n. the world of puppies.
PUPPYISMSpuppyisms n. Plural of puppyism.
PUPPYISM n. conceit in men.
YUPPIEDOMyuppiedom n. (Slang) The condition of being a yuppie.
YUPPIEDOM n. the state of being a yuppie, also YUPPYDOM.
YUPPYDOMSYUPPYDOM n. the state of being a yuppie, also YUPPIEDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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